Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2011/Progress

This page will contain a table with countries and points to check. First make these two up before we make the actual table.

Country (coordinating) Wikipedia Heritage institution Name of object # of objects Monument unique ID Structured lists on the wiki Completeness % lists Addresses Geo-data Heritage project Onwiki leads Wikimedia Chapter Chapter contact Wants to do WLM Localized page/website # of Volunteers Partners Sponsors/Prizes Jury Press releases/coverage (during contest)
# submissions
Nominations EuroContest English description page Country
Andorra ca Patrimoni Cultural, Ministeri de Cultura Monument històric 111 Y Y 100% Y Y Y Vriullop et al. Amical VP Vriullop, Mafoso Y .cat 10-25 Patrimoni Cultural, Naturlandia, Caldea [1] [2] 1228 [3] Andorra
Austria Portal Österreich Bundesdenkmalamt Y 36.000+ Y complete 95% Y 40% Hubertl, Karl_Gruber, AleXXw,Geiserich77.... WMAT Regiomontanus 100 BDA Austria
Belarus be-x-old: / be: Міністэрства культуры Рэспублікі Беларусь / Міністэрства культуры Рэспублікі Беларусь Гісторыка-культурная каштоўнасьць 4644 Y starting ≈54% / ?? mainly towns/villages partially N ? / Чаховіч_Уладзіслаў N under way Вікі любіць славутасьці / Праект:Вікі_любіць_славутасці 7 + 2 Belarus
Belgium : Flanders nl Vlaams Instituut voor het Onroerend Erfgoed (VIOE) Onroerend erfgoed ca. 77.000 (protected: ca. 12.000) Y Y (nl) 100%? Y Y Y Romaine N Belgium : Flanders
Belgium : Brussels Directie Monumenten en Landschappen van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest [4] /
Direction des Monuments et des Sites de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale [5]
Y Y (nl) 100%? Y N Y Romaine N Belgium : Brussels
Belgium : Wallonia IPW
Département du Patrimoine Patrimoine majeur de Wallonie
Y Y (nl) 100%? Part (20-30%) Y Y Romaine N Belgium : Wallonia
Denmark da Kulturarvsstyrelsen Fund og Fortidsminder + Fredede bygninger 170,000 on land and 17,000 on the seabed + 9,000 ~Y Ancient relics and Listed buildings Y Y Y WMDK Y 3 MGA73 & Heb 755 25 selected 10 finalists Denmark
Estonia et Muinsuskaitseamet (National Heritage Board) kultuurimälestis ~27 800 Y Y Y partially Y WMET Adeliine Y [6] 8 5 [7], [8], [9] Estonia
Finland fi Museovirasto Rakennusperintö, muinaisjäännös 2000-3000 Y Y ~50% WMFI

Josutus, Nikerabbit

Y Finland
France fr Base Mérimée / Ministère de la Culture Monument historique 43000 Y ongoing discussion between 5 & 15% Y & Y Trizek & Jean-Frédéric WMFR Trizek & Jean-Frédéric Y France
Germany de:WLM2011 on state level and lower Kulturdenkmal/Baudenkmal about 750000 some states, regions and cities partially about 20-30% Y partially Y Elya, Cirdan WMDE Nicole Y onwiki/Website 5 Wikimedia and Creative Commons, local partnerships with cities ongoing ready Plenty, press Germany
Hungary hu: National Office of Cultural Heritage / Kulturális Örökségvédelmi Hivatal (KÖH) Y ~ 13.000 Y N (We haven't got permission to publish) 100% Y Y (generated by bot, needs some refining) Project:UNESCO World Heritage (just similar) Samat WMHU Bdamokos, Tgr Y
3-4 Indafotó 4 European round: 2076
overall contest: 5119
European round: 30 selected 10 best Hungary
Italy it No Italy
Liechtenstein de:WLM2011 Abteilung Denkmalpflege und Archäologie
Kulturgut unter Denkmalschutz ~ 175 N Only non-digital-version available maybe Liechtenstein
Luxembourg lb:Wikipedia:WikiProjet National Monumenter Service des sites et monuments nationaux Monument classé (monument national or inventaire supplémentaire)(complete list) ~ 500
(+/- 10%)
No Y 100% as far as indicated in official list Romaine none Maybe "piggypack" on the Belgian Site (many thanks to them!) see WLM:BE see WLM:BE see WLM:BE [10], [11]; [12] 246 Luxembourg
Netherlands nl Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed Rijksmonument 60,000 Y Y 98% Y Y Y Basvb / Rudolphous WMNL Multichill / Effeietsanders Y [13] 5-15 RCE, Heemschut (..) Few are ok, working on others. Working on it. Going very well, several publications - - - Netherlands
Norway Riksantikvaren Kulturminne (also includes archeological heritage that might not be regarded as monuments) 10000 selected from database of 123 000 Y Soon Some Y WMNO Jleknes Y Norway
Poland pl Main list: National Heritage Board of Poland (Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa) + local lists: Voivodeship Antiques Restoration Officers (listy Wojewódzkich Konserwatorów Zabytków) Zabytek 75 488 Yes Yes Yes ~Yes ~30% Yes odder WMPL odder Yes wmpl:Wiki Lubi Zabytki 54 so far National Heritage Board of Poland, OpenStreetMap Poland, (...) not complete yet yes Poland
Portugal pt Instituto de Gestão do Património Arquitectónico e Arqueológico en PM / MN / IIP / IIM 4.000 ~ 5.000 Yes Yes Some issues to fix 100% Continent (Madeira and Açores still to do) 70% Yes (some issues to fix before transferring to Wiki) Yes WMPT Béria Lima Yes pt:Wikipédia:Wiki Loves Monuments / IGESPAR, SIPA, Pousadas de Portugal Fotosport, Projecto Origens, Air Nimbus Press release/press coverage [14] Portugal
Romania ro Monument istoric 29.540 yes yes 100% as can be found from the official list 0% ro:Proiect:Monumente istorice ro:Utilizator:Strainu none 2 Romania
Russia ru ФГУП ГИВЦ Минкультуры России Памятники архитектуры 61270 yes in progress 99,9%
<needs proofreading
yes no (yet?) Lvova WMRU Drbug yes Википедия любит монументы'2011 (stub) Russia
Spain an, ca, es, gl, etc. Registro General de Bienes de Interés Cultural de España Bienes de Interés Cultural con la categoría de monumentos 13000~14.000 Y Y 60% Y Y an, ca, es Millars/Elisardojm WMES Millars/Elisardojm Y It depends of language N N N Spain
Sweden sv Riksantikvarieämbetet (National Heritage Board) 47% buildings (byggnadsminne)
53% churches (kyrkligt kulturminne)
5137 Y Y Current lists have some documented omissions 9.19 % 98.35% for churches: Projekt kyrkobyggnader ArildV WMSE Ainali Y [15] National Heritage Board, Nordic museum Sweden
Switzerland fr:WLM2011; de:WLM2011 Swiss Inventory of Cultural Property of National and Regional Significance 8300 Y Y Some issues to fix list in french WMCH Manoillon Y [16] Switzerland
Country Wikipedia Heritage institution Name of object # of objects Monument unique ID Structured lists Completenes lists Addresses Geo-data Heritage project Onwiki leads Wikimedia Chapter Chapter contact Wants to do WLM Localized page # of Volunteers Partners Sponsors/Prizes Jury Press releases/coverage (during contest)
# submissions
Nominations EuroContest English description page Country


  • Heritage at Wikipedia (source)
    • Specific language Wikipedia? (abbr.)
    • Heritage institution (link)
    • Name of object (+link article)
    • Number of objects (number, link?)
    • Monument has unique ID (Y/N)
    • Structured lists (N/Yes(link))
    • Completenes lists (%)
    • Addresses (Y/N; if relevant, %)
    • Geo-data (Y/N; if relevant, %)
    • Heritage project (N/Yes(link))
    • Onwiki leads (N/Yes (Username))
  • Organization of WLM
    • Wikimedia Chapter (N/Yes (link))
    • Chapter contact (N/Yes (username))
    • Wants to do WLM (Y, maybe, N)
    • Localized description page/website (link)
    • Volunteers (N/Y (#))
    • Contact with partners (link?)
    • Budget available (N/Y)


  • Freedom of panorama (Yes/N)

Wiki Loves Monuments 2011

Concept - Philosophy - Timeline - Progress - Monuments database - Tools - Action points - Upload wizard - Sponsors - Press - Highlighted pictures
Lists per country - May Meeting - European Heritage Days - Commons infrastructure - Structured lists
Andorra - Austria - Belgium & Luxembourg - Denmark - Estonia - France - Germany - Hungary - Netherlands - Norway - Poland - Portugal - Romania - Russia - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland