Commons:Wiki Science Competition 2021/Winners/Switzerland

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These are the finalists for WSC2021 in Switzerland.

This country-level selection had a specific national organizer and a national coordination page.


  • This country has a category for its files, other files from there might have been uploaded after the local deadline and moved to the 2021 international category if such deadline was still valid.
  • As of now, the files in the local category uploaded within the local deadline are 55, with 0 obviously unsuitable files.
  • Uploaders statistics are available here.

Specific classes of files



  • the selection was performed directly, with no tool.
  • coordinator: Alessandro Marchetti.
  • the jurors were provided by a national jury:
      -   Alessandro COBBE (mathematics)
      -   Dominik LANDWEHR (media specialist)
      -   Alessandro MARCHETTI (chemistry, outreach)
      -  /  Mascha STROOBANT (biology, outreach)
  • the selection lasted from 2021-02-14 to 2022-03-06.
  • the results were published on 2021-03-15.



This country had the following files considered as possible finalists:

Files that were uploaded as part of a set are marked with (S), additional sets could have been reconstructed by the organizers.



People in science

1st national finalist 2nd national finalist
Alpine Botany Course (20-30 July 1936), organised by the Geobotanical Institute Rübel, Zurich, and directed by Dr. Werner Lüdi.
ETH Library
  National winner
People at work at the Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull’Intelligenza Artificiale Svizzera.
Marian Duven
3rd national finalist 4th national finalist
Launch of balloon probe.
ETH Library
Polish internee working at his diploma thesis at the Department of electrical engineering.
ETH Library
5th national finalist 6th national finalist
External measurements in early light. Jarl Joset Station.
ETH Library
A biologist, searching in the murky water of Lake Tanganyika.
Charlotte E. T. Huyghe
7th national finalist
Laura Azzimonti at work at the Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull’Intelligenza Artificiale Svizzera.
Marian Duven

Microscopy images

1st national finalist (ex aequo) 1st national finalist (ex aequo)
Scanning electron micrographs of opals.
ETH Library .
  National winner
Scanning electron micrographs of opals.
ETH Library

Non-photographic media

1st national finalist 2nd national finalist
First inhibitors to the SARS-CoV-2 main protease (PDB 6LU7).
Anna Sophia Kamenik
  National winner
Griffon vulture flying over a valley in Les Baronnies Provençales Regional Natural Park.
Luis Scarabino

Image sets

1st national finalist 2nd national finalist
People at work at the Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull’Intelligenza Artificiale Svizzera.
Marian Duven
  National winner
  set of images reconstructed by the organizers.
Field research in Lake Tanganyika in Zambia to study the local species of cichlids.
Charlotte E. T. Huyghe
  set of images reconstructed by the organizers.

Wildlife and nature

1st national finalist 2nd national finalist
Robin (Erithacus rubecula) in snowy winter landscape.
Samuel Tobler
  National winner
Common coot (Fulica atra) in nest, with brood and egg in the dam of the river Limmat in Neuenhof, Switzerland.
Luis Scarabino

3rd national finalist 4th national finalist
A little cichlid fish hid in an abandoned snail shell in Lake Tanganyika.
Charlotte E. T. Huyghe
Accumulation of beetles and snails on potato.
ETH Library
5th national finalist 6th national finalist
Ladybug hatches from pupa.
ETH Library
Luis Scarabino
7th national finalist
A member of a colony of griffon vultures flying in the regional nature park Les Baronnies Provençales, in the Rémuzat region of France.
Luis Scarabino


1st national finalist (ex aequo) 1st national finalist (ex aequo)
Photograph of Andromeda by Isaac Roberts.
ETH Library
  National winner
Photo of the moon by Lewis Morris Rutherfurd (New York, March 8, 1865).
ETH Library

General category

1st national finalist (ex aequo) 1st national finalist (ex aequo)
Pressing of a palm sample (Eremospatha macrocarpa) for scientific herbaria during a botanical exploration mission in September 2021 in Benin.
Roguet Didier
  National winner
Pressing of a palm sample (Hyphaene guineensis) for scientific herbaria during a botanical exploration mission in September 2021 in Benin.
Roguet Didier