SpBot archives all sections tagged with {{Section resolved|1=~~~~}} after 3 days. For the archive overview, see Archive/. The latest archive is located at Archive/2024.

Please only request campaigns after your competition has ended!
In your request for a Montage campaign, please provide the following:

  • the landing page or Commons category that was used for the contest
  • the start and end dates of the competition/uploaded images (in UTC)
  • and the jury coordinator.

If you have posted a request or question on this page and didn't get a response within 24 hours, feel free to ping Ciell for help.
Inactive campaigns in Montage for competitions on Commons that ended more than 3 months ago, may be actively archived in Montage. If you or your jury members are experiencing problems, please also ping.

Localization of Montage


Hi, Would it be possible to have Montage added to Translatewiki.net to have the interface available in other languages? There has been a task asking for that since 2017, but no reaction from anyone so far. Thanks in advance. /Axel Pettersson (WMSE) (talk) 10:55, 31 August 2020 (UTC)Reply

Ping on this issue, and also the newly created T310144 about implementing Disqualify coordinators/organizers as it would be helpful. /Axel Pettersson (WMSE) (talk) 12:38, 8 June 2022 (UTC)Reply
Ping @Ciell. Any news on theese tasks? /Axel Pettersson (WMSE) (talk) 08:05, 8 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Hi @Axel Pettersson (WMSE)! We are looking for a front-end dev, and localisation is definitly one of the main priorities. I cannot promise to have it ready for the WLM 2023 edition, but who knows...! Ciell (talk) 14:44, 8 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Is there more documentation anywhere?


The documentation leaves some questions which I cannot find answers to. Like for yes/no it only asks for a quorum number.

  1. Does that mean [two] votes each and the organizer determines what to do with the results?
  2. Will it automatically divide the images to ensure each image is voted on by two people?
  3. What do the results look like for the different kinds of voting? Just a straightforward csv with like filename, juror name, and yes/no/rating?
  4. Is the expectation that that csv (or whatever) will be manipulated and then serve as a file list for the next round? Is there a WMF-hosted site to upload it? Thanks. — Rhododendrites talk16:42, 13 November 2021 (UTC)Reply
Hi Rhododendrites I have only been a campaign creator since last year, and I have not came accross more documentation. The devs are my fall back, as I am yours now, so let me see how far I get!
  1. Montage will let you set the threshold for the next round: if you as a coordinator can select if one vote out of two is enough to go to the second (rating) round, or if both (or 'all') jurors will have to agree = threshold.
  2. Yes, all 'tasks' (nmbr of images x number in quorum) will be spread out over all jurors. They will not have to, and can't, judge the same image twice.
  3. Nope, once in the campaign the first round is activated, all the images that are needed are pulled into Montage, and you can create several rounds from the previous ones automatically.
Montage enables you to set up a ranking round for the jurors once you've got less than 51 images left. That ranking round will come out as a cvs (though I've seen that Excel 2019 struggles with it, you may want to use Libre office, google spreadsheet - or use a different open tool to convert the file so you can use excel. Let me know if you want me to download and convert the results for you.
  1. ...? Maybe the previous answer answered this one as well...?
Best, Ciell (talk) 20:16, 13 November 2021 (UTC)Reply
1 - Example text - Is this selected afterwards? I don't see an option for this.
3 - I'm still not clear about this. It would help if there were documentation about the kinds of options available to coordinators after the round. I presume there's a lot more that's presently hidden from me. I guess I'll just move forward with the first round and see what happens?
Thanks — Rhododendrites talk20:53, 13 November 2021 (UTC)Reply
@Rhododendrites if you create a small sample size category (with ~20 images), I can set up a simulated campaign for you so you can try the process.
1 - when setting up a second or third round, you a the coordinator can decide the threshold of images that will go to this next round.
3 - there are three options: yes/no is always the first round, then you will create as many rating rounds as needed to get to the final 50 images or less, and you always end with a ranking round. Ciell (talk) 10:05, 14 November 2021 (UTC)Reply

Wiki Loves Earth in Central Asia


Hi again, Ciell, can you create the Montage campaigns for Central Asian countries:

  1. Uzbekistan (May 15 — June 15, UTC+5);
  2. Kyrgyzstan (May 10 — June 20, UTC+6);
  3. Tajikistan (June 1 — June 30, UTC+5);
  4. Kazakhstan (June 15 — July 15, UTC+5).

Thank you in advance. Красный wanna talk? 02:49, 23 May 2024 (UTC)Reply

Hi @Красный,
I am happy to do so. Please remind me by the time the upload campaigns have ended.
Thanks! Ciell (talk) 10:06, 23 May 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wiki Loves Africa 2024 in Senegal


Bonjour @Ciell, I am requesting Montage tool for Wiki Loves Africa 2024 in Senegal. The project started on 1st March 2024 and uploaded ended on 30th April 2024. The category is Category:Wiki Loves Africa 2024 in Senegal and the project page is Commons:Wiki Loves Africa 2024 in Sénégal. The jury coordinator is René Bile. Merci beaucoup. Ourytima (talk) 23:16, 3 June 2024 (UTC)Reply

Bonsoir @Ourytima,
Your Montage campaign can be found here: wiki-loves-africa-2024-in-senegal.
Happy judging! Ciell (talk) 17:29, 4 June 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wiki Loves Earth 2024

Country Name Jury Coordinator Start date and UTC time End date and UTC time Start jury Link to Campaign
Uzbekistan (UTC+5) Красный May 15th, 2024, 05:00 UTC June 15th, 2024, 05:00 UTC June 16th, 2024 wiki-loves-earth-2024-in-uzbekistan
Kyrgyzstan (UTC+6) Красный May 10,th 2024, 06:00 UTC June 20th, 2024, 06:00 UTC June 21st, 2024 wiki-loves-earth-2024-in-kyrgyzstan
Tajikistan (UTC+5) Красный June 1st, 2024, 05:00 UTC June 30th, 2024, 05:00 UTC July 1st, 2024
Kazakhstan (UTC+5) Красный June 15th, 2024, 05:00 UTC July 15th, 2024, 05:00 UTC July 16th, 2024
Italy (UTC+1) CristianNX June 15th, 2024, 02:00 UTC July 15th, 2024, 02:00 UTC July 16th, 2024
Albania (UTC+1) Vyolltsa & Ritamaliqi May 15, 2024, 02:00 UTC June 15th, 2024, 02:00 UTC June 20, 2024 wiki-loves-earth-in-albania-2024
Kosovo (UTC+1) Vyolltsa & Ritamaliqi May 15, 2024, 02:00 UTC June 15th, 2024, 02:00 UTC June 20, 2024 wiki-loves-earth-in-kosovo-2024
Turkey (UTC+3) Zafer June 1st, 2024, 00:00 UTC June 30th, 2024, 00:00 UTC
.. .. UTC UTC ..

Hi Ciell, as worked fine during last years, I created the table to request new campaign for Wiki Loves Earth 2024. Красный, I added also the Central Asian countries that you already requested in a dedicated paragraph, in order to have a complete overview on requested campaigns. Thank you in advance. --CristianNX 14:28, 16 June 2024 (UTC)Reply

Thank you. Uzbekistan one is not in a hurry due to local issues but campaign is still needed. Красный wanna talk? 15:29, 16 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
Thank you @CristianNX! I need the UTC times as well, to instruct Montage correctly on the upload window that applies to the images. Once I have that, I'll create the Uzbek campaign tomorrow. Ciell (talk) 19:26, 17 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
Added UTC times for Central Asia. Красный wanna talk? 19:42, 17 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
Added UTC for Italy (UTC+1 as standard, but UTC+2 right now as for Summer time). --CristianNX 21:33, 18 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
@Cristian: summertime/winter time differences and countries that have multiple time zones are exactly the reason why I prefer the requestee to give me the times, instead of having to google and assume these myself. ;-) @Красный can you add them in the table above? I don't see them yet. Ciell (talk) 04:28, 19 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
Added them. CA countries doesn't have these summer-winter time differencies. The only difference was UTC+5 and UTC+6 time zones in Kazakhstan and the last one was eliminated in March. Красный wanna talk? 04:33, 19 June 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wiki Loves Earth Albania and Kosovo 2024


Hi @Ciell, can you please create a montage tool for the Wiki Loves Earth 2024 in Albania and Kosovo. The campaign ran from May 15th until June 15th 2024. Albania and Kosovo are in the Central European Time (CET; UTC+01:00) which is 12:00 AM CET to 2:00 AM UTC. We do have 2 categories, one for Albania and one for Kosova, and we would like to assess the pictures from Albania and Kosovo separately, and in the end we can have 2 winners from Albania and Kosova. This is the landing page of the campaignː https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Wiki_Loves_Earth_in_Albania_%26_Kosovo_2024

̈Category of Albaniaː Images from Wiki Loves Earth in Albania

Category of Kosovaː Images from Wiki Loves Earth 2024 in Kosova

Jury Coordinatorsː @Vyolltsa and @Ritamaliqi.

Thanks ː) Vyolltsa (talk) 07:39, 18 June 2024 (UTC)Reply

Hi Vyolltsa, please add Albania and Kosovo in the table in the previous paragraph, so we will have a unique and central recap of all the campaigns. Thank you. --CristianNX 21:37, 18 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
@CristianNX Notedǃ Thanks. Vyolltsa (talk) 07:03, 19 June 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wiki Loves Africa 2024 in Républic of Congo


Bonjour @Ciell, veuillez aider à mettre en place une campagne de montage pour le Commons:Wiki Loves Africa 2024 in Républic of Congo . Voici la catégorie Category:Images from Wiki Loves Africa 2024 in the Republic of the Congo, et je serai le coordinateur du jury. Dates de début et de fin du concours/images téléchargées (en UTC) : 1er mars 2024 00:01 UTC+1 - 30 avril 2024 23:59 UTC+1. Kani Beat (talk) 07:50, 21 June 2024 (UTC)Reply

@Kani Beat: merci pour votre demande, et voici votre campagne du Montage: wiki-loves-africa-2024-in-r%C3%A9public-of-congo.
Happy judging, bonne évaluation! Ciell (talk) 08:58, 25 June 2024 (UTC)Reply

Tribal Culture Photography Competition Montage request


Hi @Ciell, I'd like to request to use Montage for the Commons:Tribal Culture Photography Competition, which is taking place during this 28 April to 16 June 2024. I have been through the information on Montage tool page and Iam going to be the coordinator of this campaign. Thank you in advance, kind regards. --SMarndi (talk) 08:47, 28 June 2024 (UTC)Reply

Hi @SMarndi,
Your campaign is ready for you here: tribal-culture-photography-competition-2024.
Happy judging! Ciell (talk) 04:43, 29 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
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