Faroese stamps 1979

In 1979, the Faroe Islands issued six stamps. The first was on 19 March "The Ram" (FR 36). The Ram is probably the best known Faroese stamp and still for sale until today. On 7 May, the Faroes had their first Europe (CEPT) stamps (FR 37 and 38), showing provisional stamps from 1919. For 1979 was the International Children's Year, on 1 October were issued three stamps with child drawings (FR 39-41). All stamps of this year were engraved by the Royal engraver Czesław Słania.

The Ram


Europe CEPT


Children's Year


Stamps of the Faroe Islands
1975 (1-14) • 1976 (15-17) • 1977 (18-24) • 1978 (25-35) • 1979 (36-41) • 1980 (42-52) • 1981 (53-63) • 1982 (64-72) • 1983 (73-86) • 1984 (87-105) • 1985 (106-123) • 1986 (124-138) • 1987 (139-155) • 1988 (156-172) • 1989 (173-187) • 1990 (188-204) • 1991 (205-220) • 1992 (221-234) • 1993 (235-247) • 1994 (248-263) • 1995 (264-282) • 1996 (283-301) • 1997 (302-319) • 1998 (320-339) • 1999 (340-359) • 2000 (360-378) • 2001 (379-405) • 2002 (406-427) • 2003 (428-464) • 2004 (465-504) • 2005 (505-538) • 2006 (539-577) • 2007 (578-617) • 2008 (618-650) • 2009 (651-676) • 2010 (677-699) • 2011 (700-) 

Motifs: Birds • Churches • Europa • Faroe boats • History • Islands and coasts • Joint issue • Maps • Marine animals • Paintings • People • Plants • Sepac • Słania • Stamps by artists • Villages