File:Susannah Lattin (1848-1868) in the New York Times on September 4, 1868.png

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English: Susannah Lattin (1848-1868) in the New York Times on September 4, 1868
Source New York Times on September 4, 1868
Author New York Times
Other versions



Local Intelligence. The Amity-Place Mystery. Continuation of the Inquest by Coroner Rollins. Letter of the Deceased. Extraordinary Developments. Coroner Rollins yesterday resumed

0mtlMM1tow sf tb laqwcsi r Coroatr Xotltaia L.ctter Dttratta Kf traoialaart DtvtlspaitaU. Cor !Ji4.r IioLLisa y eater 3 ay resumed his in-futii in-futii in-futii itn into the eaae ot Iim BvaainiAa Lai rta, , who lio-i lio-i lio-i n the SSttt s't' at Dr. D. H. Obimdlk's Pnvat'! Lylng-lQ Lylng-lQ Lylng-lQ Hosplta'. No. 6 Amltr-plaoa, Amltr-plaoa, Amltr-plaoa, aa pravloiiKiy reported. Dr. Gbudlb waa present daring daring th- th- proceedings. The following taaUmony was heitml: Onroi A. tnetmmod toatifled: I live at Ho. Amitv. plae: kava nved there alnca tat Januarv last; am a mdaot of toe Uulvaraity, atudTtng ondar Dr. Oris-dU- Oris-dU- Oris-dU- Oris-dU- Q. How lon have you teen a atudent at tne New-Tork New-Tork New-Tork (Juiveraitvt A. I took my tickuta out proba bir a month or two before Hay; got my pass to visit tk ana filial on the 1st of Mav laau . Q. Do yoo know where Dr. Grindle aradnated A.. Tea. fur; be graduated at the University ; I don't snow wnea; ainoe i aave oeen wiin ut. unnoia the obaraeter of hla buainaaa baa been obattnca and tami'.y ractir senerally. By a Juror Q. His be any family practice f A Tea, Sir; I bet.eve be oalla bia place a privaU Itids- Itids- ' laaavlum; be advertises for caaea; women can be iooael alter at bia nooe. Q. Wince you've been there bow many aucb eaaee baa be bad r A. 1 could not tell; tbera might have Dean rweniy or mora. Q. Wuo are the women moetry who come to be oonflned f wbst are tbeir cbarsctera i A 1 bey represent represent ibcioAelvet as Jisrrled women, most of ihem. Bp a Jurnr-Q. Jurnr-Q. Jurnr-Q. Wbst do the other represent themselves A I can't tell. Jwnr Way notf II you know bow one party represent represent hrIC wbv not know other 1 A Well. I believe they all represent thvmselvea as married women ; 1 speak to the beat of my knowledge ; I am a brotber-in-taw brotber-in-taw brotber-in-taw brotber-in-taw brotber-in-taw ot Dr. Grind le; these women bav all been delivered ot living children ; the children are adopted out. Q. To whom and for what? A To whoever comes forward for them; they adopt them aa their own. I believe; there la no foe paid tor a child by lta adopter that I am aware of; 1 don't know that any recorO is kept of the people who apply for the children children or where they r.n; there la a regular certificate sent t the Board of Health tor eveiy birth that takes place In the house. Q. Have you ever had any still-birth still-birth still-birth In that bouse slnoe you've been tborc t A No, Sir. Q. Grindle advertises children for adoption, does he not t A. He doe, Kir. Q. Who a tends these women, or how are. they en-eoa en-eoa en-eoa r A Tne doctor generally attend Uiem, unless unless they require the Madam then aba does it; I heheva be baa had caaoa of ulceration ; there have been as many aa five Inmates at one lime slnoe I have bosn mere. Q. Does he profess to produce any miecarrlage or acytbtng ot that kind f A No, Sir; not that I know. Q. Have you ever attended any of these women in their confinement T A No, Kir. Q. Hsve you ever been present during any delivery delivery A I was rreent once. Q. Did you asaiat I A No, Sir. 4. Who waa auendiug to the woman at the time T A. I'ne Madam no mors than to band her things 'that ahe wanted. y. Unjou mcollrct MUa Sosannah lattln apply. I ii it lor aim arnnn io the bouse? A I don't kuow; aha sppuiHt ;or a.iiniBion on the evening of Tbura-day. Tbura-day. Tbura-day. Aug. 0; I saw ti. r next morning. . ti Is there any stipulated price for which these women are taken into the Souse 1 A I don't know, Sir; I saw her at the breakout table; ahe appeared in the tatnilv way; ahe appeared otherwise well; I had no conversation with her; ane waa delivered Friday sight, Tth Augnat; It waa sometime In in night before before niilnigbt; kladam attended her. ' Q Hsve yoo any idea bow long ahe was in labor 1 A. No, Br; I last saw ber at the break is st table ; I heard tb ktsdam take down the child and wash It; there was another woman delivered by the at ad am the same night; I saw this entfd in the morning; did not eee the child that night ; the other woman waa delivered after Susannah was; 1 saw both children eext day. t). Do you know who took Susannah Lattin to your noose? A I dont know; 1 think It was Mr. Powers; her child was adopted on Monday or Tuea-lay; Tuea-lay; Tuea-lay; I put the advenisetrent in the Herald myseii; tt was three weeks ago last Monday; I waa not present present when the child waa taken away; don't know who took it: aaw some women there; the Mid am told ass It was sdopted ; I waa cot present at lbs time, and heard noneoi the conversation that occurred; the ataer child was taken away that week : I don't reoui-isot reoui-isot reoui-isot wtuti day tt s; I nave never ssxrn any of these children altar they have been sdopted since I have betn there. Q. Have yon ever known any woman to come back tor children f A No, Sir; Uiay sr all different women who come, as far sa I know; 1 have never seen a woman come twice after a child; I'm not there all the date; I never saw any ons ovms back; 1 don't know bow tt may be. Q Have yoo never been let into the secret 'what the ( is for a baby? A. No, Sir, I bav aoi; I don't know. Sir, tt there ia any. Q. titer buaanuan's confinement bsw did aba savin t A SOS seemed very ecmtortabl; after the doctor west sue bad the diarrheas; I went for Dr. IKirn; got bim to prescribe lor nr; pin ber ths mcdiaiue; she got morse, and on e.urday I ca-Kd ca-Kd ca-Kd ths aoctor m; I first beard she bad diarrhoea on WednrnKiajr ni-ul; ni-ul; ni-ul; tns doctor (QrinJls) had left on that Uy. Q Was there any arrangement mads to go lor Dr. Dora t A Vis, Dr. tf rlnd'.a told ms that if Us diarrhcst got worss to eel Dr. Dora: hs had mads ar rsngemen for tne Utter to attend to Miss Lattin if sue wsuted any assistance; none of the outers were iksiy be conJ&ned before the doctor got bsck; Dr. Dorn did not call on Wednesday night; he prescribed said I want to ths drtbj-stor drtbj-stor drtbj-stor and got ths medicine; from WodnesUay Blunt to Sunday evening Miss La tun waa 'very eomtortsble, except the diarrhea, diarrhea, which euacked her tour or five times s dsy ; I don't know tf al.e got up; 1 went lor Dr. Dorn because the dtsrrkcsa bvan to ret worss; from thst ttrns hs viitu her daily, sometimes twice sad three antes s aay. I beitsve; when be first cams there he said sbe had asvaa- asvaa- steal day be said ahe had every indication of typhoid fever, except ths eruption strendsnt thereon; that boob broke out in the abdomsa and pronounced the disease typhoid fevor; ins symptoms contained the Bams toll Wednesday, wUs I noticed a change for the worse; the wee previous to ber death I wee Ym the country and kiisw nothing about her; Z went to the country Ob Moudy, 17.t, and knw nothing of bar afttr-warJ afttr-warJ afttr-warJ : the other eiaoenl wss then present; I returned Aug. 4; she then had lypbotd fever, ss the doctor tola me; this ume s gentlemen named Powell same no ses ber; 1 did not know that te be his asms t ths uue; hs did sot sonvsrss with ms abont her lllr.css; w -eu -eu ! saw s'i - si t ad I spoke to the otnr sta 'fnt f to iir'i'-nety iir'i'-nety iir'i'-nety ot asking the doo-r doo-r doo-r to hive a consul sHoij- sHoij- when I got bacr Miss La tin was perftcily ratiouil; I bad ao on-verxatica on-verxatica on-verxatica wtil ber exrejit to stk how ahe felt; I rtll not know her name, but I think sbe save her nam aa Buaan Punt h when she came to the houee; did not know tae gentleman 'a name who came to eee her; be came frequently ; I reooeolze Mr. Powell ss the man; be gave me no inatrurtiona concerning ber; I had no conversation with htm at all: at this lime I did not know where 8narnah'a relatives were; belore abs became so I'd I asked if sbe wouldn't like to bve ber parents see ber; sbe eaid aba would like io eee thsra. Out did not wish them to know ber whereabou'a just then: I think this waa tne day I got back trom the country (Monday;) I do not know if sbe waa rational all Tuesday; ahe looked to me on Tuesday evening as a little flighty: on Wednesday aha became much wore and Dr. k'lnrell waa called in; be said there would be a decided change one wsy or the other in twny-fonr twny-fonr twny-fonr hours from ths time be saw her; she died Thursday night (27 ih of August) st eight o'clock. Dr. Flnnell only easr ber onoe; abe save me no acoount of berself belore belore br death. Q. Ten koaw nothing of her history, except that she waa Mrs. Smith A. No, Mr. Q. You sty cen.ficatcs ot birth have been furnished furnished the Board of Health. How do you know that to be the case f A I saw him make thorn oat; ho filled them himself; never solicited roe to fi'.l ibera; I am studying medicine under Dr. Orindle; I have no particulsr department; 1 know nothing of obstetrics; obstetrics; tli eee cnildreo were all born alive; I knew, because I aaw tbem ; f estimated them to be full ti in" children: know of no other deaths before or after I was thtre; a nurse was cabed in while I wss in the country; she was engaged by Mr. Dann; I paid her; never employed her butore; never ti ber iu the bouse belore. . fsa. P. Tate, testified: f 11 vest No. 135 Bveraon-j Bveraon-j Bveraon-j street, and do business at No. SCd Myrtle-avenue! Myrtle-avenue! Myrtle-avenue! Brooklyn; about the lttb or l&ib id Jmv last, a man and woman hired apaxtuients over my s ore; thev bought range, furniture end cooking utenoiU from me. and gave their names as Mr. and Mrs. eSmitn ; ibey appeared to live togtbnr aa man and wile, and so lived together in that house for about turce weeks; the man came to me last Friday, 23tb Adjust, to soil me the goods back, saving that Mia. SiniUi bud. died the previous evening; he did not soy where, nor did 1 auk him anything aoont it. I recognize this man (Powell! -is -is tb man who gave tbit name of Smith. John ilraghcr. testified : that be lived at. No. 600 Myrtle-avenue, Myrtle-avenue, Myrtle-avenue, Brooklyn: about the beginning of Juiys man sod woman came to live tbe.e by the name ot Hmi.h; nilxeed tbrni about the 2G:h ot July and 1st of August; he reootmisad Powell as the luau who eave bis usme aa Hunts. George fowil being aworn, deposed: I live corner corner ot Warcy and Willou.'hby avenue. Bmokiyn; roy brother married Sonannjh Litiiu's stater; I am well acquainted with the family, and visit tbem ; had known Huoannaa tor a lonn time; it was not in my bouse she lived last New Year's; about the midJie of April last, aa near as 1 can remember, she came to me at 1 ulton Market Io aat me if I'd befriend her, aa she had no one else; I said I would, and on tho Tth July-hired July-hired July-hired a room tor ber in thek'rankliu Huuse; after a week sbe was diHsatmflaJ and wantdd to keep bouse ; on the 15th ot July I hired a room or ber, under the name of Miss (uot Mrs.) Smith; abe then said sbe wsnted to go to Dr. Grindle' to be confined, snd ssked ms to assist her: I said I would, anil ahe toe me to see Dr. Orindle; sbe msde the srrange-nienta srrange-nienta srrange-nienta berself, and I furnished the money ; she told me ahe got in that condition by a man named Houghton; I did not see Orindle after; I gaye her $100; an told me that waa the amount to be paid; about the middle of April last I went to ber home at Fanningdate; I had not seen ber then for nearly a year; her sister asked me if I bad seen Susy; I replied replied I had not, and ahe then told me sbe had not been boms for six weeks, and they did not know where sbe hsd gone to; they did not Know exacUy wbst ths diibcuity was, but ber sister "suapicioned" something snout ber condition; when I aaw ber it was at ber brother's in June; I could tell ber condition by the took, but nothing pawed pawed between her and me in relation to that ma.-tar; ma.-tar; ma.-tar; when abe aaw ms on Sd July she ssid abs was turned out friendless, snd bad not a fnend in the world: abe went to Dr. Harrison's. No. ITT Bleecker-street, Bleecker-street, Bleecker-street, to get a trunk which be had seat there the previous dsy; sbs said he got a boarding place for ber, and she bad no money; I said I would assist ber; abs toid me sbe waa in the family way, and by whom, but did not tell me bow long ens was so; sbs said Oeorge Houghton had run away, or left, call it which you like; from the Sd to the Tth of July ahe was at Dr. Harrison's; when sbs came back on the T.o, I told her u no one else would be her friend I would beinend her enough to find ber a place to stop; I can't tell how abe came to go to Dr. Harnacn'a, nor what arrangement was between tbem, except that aha told me the doctor had procured a boarding place, bnt abe would have to pay her own board ; sbs and I did not psse under the name of Mr. and Mrs. Smith; I putchaaed the goods for Jftu Smith; I did not tell my own name, nor did I saauma the nam of Smith at all; I did not live there with ber; I merely called on ber as a friend ; I don't know that any parties in the house aver called me Smith; I never was called Smith in my bit.; Miss Smlib paid lor ths goods herself; I saw no bill; sbe was thsrs from the 15tb of July to the 6th ot August, and I gave ber money to pay expenses: abe ssked tor money to go to Dr. Orindle's for confinement; I gave her us money snd toid her she could go there or stay where ah was, juat aa ahe liksj ; on the 15th of August sbe proposed tor me to see Dr. Orinole; I saw Or.ndle on that day; he wanted more money than I wanted to give him; he wanted $150, and I went away at once it waa more than I couid afford to pay tor mare friendship out ot my own pocket. Q. Wss this to confine her, or to get rid ot ths child? A For confinement; we left together; I gave bar f 100 the next dsy, and toid her tbat If thai doctor had a mind to take her for that ahe might go J there; abe then went there herself; on Sundsy I called to see ber; I found ber smart; abe bad been delivered ; ahe said the child waa alive snd was to b adopted out. Otorgt C. Hovgtotm testified: I now reside at Philadelphia: Philadelphia: went there on the 6th of August, to remain remain permanently; I waa acquauited with the deceased, deceased, Susannah Lattin. since the latter part ot December, December, 186T; aba came into the store where I was employed and bought a pair of shoes; there was another lady with her at the time; they had been having aome pictures taken (aome lerro'ypes I think.) snd they were showing l a em to me; they were both quite talkative; when going out Misa Lattin said abe vas always going to buy ber shoes there, and buy them of me ; she also asked what my name was ; I took a atore card from my pocket aa I bad often don beforewrote beforewrote my name on the back of it. and gave It her; aa they went out the other lady went first; Miss Lattin hesitated and said she wished me to call and aee ber, st the same tune giving me ber address on a piece of paper; it was on Division avenue, Williamsburg; Williamsburg; I don't know the number; I told ber I hsd but little time to make calls, but if I did, I would do ao with pleasure; next day (Saturday) abe came iu and asked me to see her on Sunday; I told ber I thought it wss doubtful, but I might, perhaps; sbe remained some twenty-five twenty-five twenty-five or thirty minute talk ing, and between hall-past hall-past hall-past four and six ahe came again; aatu ahe waa going to have aom trienua at her place, and hoped I would not diaappoint her, but coma and see her; I told bar I would cutne it I could: I went on Sunday, and npon arrival I rang the bell; ume of the people ot the bouse ciue to the door; I asked lor Miss Lattin, was shown into the parlor, and aha came in atone; alter awhile I asked her wiiere her company waa: ahe replied that they had ail disappointed disappointed her, and abe old not suppose they would be tuere; I remained a short time and went home; I did not aee her again till the following week, when ane again called, and eaid aha wished me to call again before ahe would go home ; i told ber 1 did not think I'd have time ; ahe also asked in to writ to her, and wisned me to call to ber bums in Farmixgdale I d.d not aain call at ths bouse iu Williamsburg- Williamsburg- I neither neither wrote to her nor called at her home; the next that I aaw of her was, I think, tfi Ard; sbe came to tha atore and, alter Ulking a moment, said that ah waa In trouble and wished me to help her- her- I suuoose ahe meant by tbat thai aha waa In tha family wey-I wey-I wey-I asked her what waa tha matter; shs did not teu me at first; I told her I would not help her till I knew what I had to help hec for; aha then told ma that ahe waa eacwnte; that bar parent bad aent bar away from home; tbat abe hsd not a triend In tha world, and no plan to go to; I then asked her why ab didn't go to th anthor ot her trouble trouble instead of coming to me, aa ahe knew very well I had no thing to do with It in aay way; she said, I know yon hsd not. but ths parson who 1 th cans of it cannot help me;" I ssked ber why ; shs she did not wish to tell me then, but If I would asaiat bar shs would tell ma; after ber pleadings, Ac, I asked her bow much money -'aha -'aha wanted; abe said aha had a few dollars herself, and tf aa bad iaw mar an thought ah could gat herself all right; I than gave bar IQ and ah lft the siors saying so as going to so sAOootor in New-York; New-York; New-York; between five and asix o'clock to sum afternoon ab cam back with package in has band 'saying aba bad got some inert icln and had been assured by Ah doctor tbat an would b all right in a abort ttm; I didn't aa her again la several days; shsatosd so th doctor was Dr. Powers, ot Stan ton-street; ton-street; ton-street; when I saw her again ah earn to tha store and said ah had derived no benefit from the medicinal medicinal aba eaid aha bad again aeen th doctor and ha told her that if aha would soma ther and stay a abort tun a would fix bar all right; aha wished my advice whether sbe had batter go or aot; I told her if she had paid Power lor the mad join hs ought to get has out ot her dUBonlty; aha went aa if tog, and aha returned to tha atore in two or three day and tod m that aba had stayed st Dr. Powers' plsos; abs wanted 1 should aome over and aa ber ana also aee the doctor; I told her at that Urns that I had no tuna to a i tend to auch mauars, and I guessed aba could gat along without ma. but after urging m I prom-.asd prom-.asd prom-.asd to cell; I did call, and saw bar and also Dr. Powers; be said her Case waa not aertouat and it aha was only easy about it aba would la a short Urns be out of bar trouble; they were not together: I saw tha doctor separately and told bar what ha said, snd she Banned aauafiad ; X then went sway and called again ia a abort time; aba stayed tbar about a fortnight, during which I vial ed her two or three tanea; I alwaya found her there when I west; th last time I want waa on Friday night, and aha told ma aha thought Powers was doing ber no good, and aha would leave; I asked asked bar what ahe waa gotng do, and aba told m that aha had heard ot Dr. Harrison, Bleecker-etreet, Bleecker-etreet, Bleecker-etreet, and tbat he would gt ber oat of her difficulty ; shs eaid ah wished ms to cotne and see bar; I toid her thai I had dona all I could for her, and aha had better better get somebody elae; aha prasioaary told ana that th eaus sf hr troubt waa a young sua ia a tars dry goods stor in on at th streets leading out ot the Bowery; ah then told sn thst bsior coming to m in Brooklyn la th Spring sue bad been ther to as him. aad they told her he was dead; after aae went to Bleecker-atrwat Bleecker-atrwat Bleecker-atrwat abe pre wsilad est ate a com aad ss her; I aalaad ther th next Sunday afternoon and saw both bar and th doctor; saw tha doctor at tha oaoa, aad aaw her at a house 1 think in wssnugtoa-ptsos, wssnugtoa-ptsos, wssnugtoa-ptsos, which I under toed Ham had procured tor hsrt shs assurd- assurd- sa that if i VMM help ner through aad get her out of bar trouble, 1 abousd o won paid tor what I had , dens tor her, shs thought bar parsats would r- r- crive t er brine again; I finally eonftesitnd, and reads, arrancemecta with Harrison to furnish ber with meJ.ctne end board; t gave Hsmsoa $50; be eaid U ot ld rzke from one to two weeks, be thought; I called several times to set ber during tbeflistten days that she was there; she told me thst she was on nicely, snd that shs thought she would ii"ii be relieved of her trouble; ahe did not aay tbs: ahe bad an operation p-rlurmed p-rlurmed p-rlurmed upon bar. iiy the Coroner What did you give Dr. Harrison tills money tor ? A To give ber medicine. Q Wbst, for an abortion? A So, Sir. Or. Hurttm It was quite the reverse, wasn't it t A. Yea, Hir. 7"Ae Conner Io Dr. Barriton Ton bars nothing to say here, sir. H'ilnrMt Ths last time I saw her waa on Tuesday evening ; I am not sure but she told me there bad occurrei indications of ber being all right; next day I wa taksn sick at my boarding-bouae, boarding-bouae, boarding-bouae, and remained there till Friday, when I went borne ; I was sick for six or seven week, and came back in July ; the last time I ever saw Miss Lattin was in May. Q Did you reouve ny letters from her t A Yea, Sir. Q. Did you know what became of ber until you heard she was dead ? A No, Sir; the last I beard of ber was s report of ber deetb in a New-York New-York New-York paper last Monday morning; I never sent auy medicine to her si ber bouse in Fsrmingdale. Q. Sbe toll you she was in the family wsy and wanted to bi rel.eved ot ber child? A Sbe sup-roee.1 sup-roee.1 sup-roee.1 he was in the family way; ahe might not have been. - lr. aca What did you pay Dr. Harritrm for, to cure ber of dropsy, rheumatism, or srbat? A Sbe bebevO'l she was in the lamily way: I waa not with her on Krw-Yoar Krw-Yoar Krw-Yoar night; nor v. as I in High-etrect, High-etrect, High-etrect, Brooklyn, with her in January; I do not know a por.y named Hitchman, ol Utah-street, Utah-street, Utah-street, Brooklyn; I wrote no letters to bor; when ahe told me she was in the faiuilv way abe aaid ahe had been goue about two or three months. Q When you spent the evening with her in D. ceuiber lasi, were you not in the room all slone with ber? A. N it all the time; when I say the entered the parlor alone, I am not sure but the gentleman or the lady ot the house came with ber ; 1 aiauot quite sure of that. Please add to my statement tbac she toid me the young man who was the cause of ber trouble called ou her hi Brooklyn while she was there. The case waa here again adjourned until Tuesday next, when the Ooron-r Ooron-r Ooron-r extx-cu extx-cu extx-cu to be abb. to secure a verjict. 'Ibe C rouei" Lad ibe following leite.r b.mje.i to him, which bud been written by tha deceased deceased to the wiliima, Houohton, who is now at largo on bis oaro.e : Kiir.yont. June 8. 1S-Friend 1S-Friend 1S-Friend Gioa n: 1 received a note hum you lasi fat-ordi( fat-ordi( fat-ordi( sayiuic tnat you were going to leave the ttr Kr-i-cav Kr-i-cav Kr-i-cav Kr-i-cav Kr-i-cav alternuon. iur your holfco in Marjianl. You d.d not say ths hrjt. arrd to uie when 1 lnt saw yon. bat yon said you wiald be over the neat mgbl if you I t,t able, and ss vo t did not come 1 tnourht you' was sick, unnf I rot ths nite from you saving thst you was troing to leave sad peraaps never cc me bck again. Gkobok, do you mean to 1 ir-ake ir-ake ir-ake ma in that way ? Why did yon not co uie here and aee me before yon went away T I supiioee yiu think I am ready to go boms, but I am not any more ready than I was wuen I first came down here. I do not think be will do anv good at all. for I have been ban m lung. Gbohok. what must I do? I cannot stay here, for you know tny board is not paid forandlwiU have to go home, and you know tbat I think if you thought much ot me. you would have stayed here or taken me wit b you. for you must know how I feel hera all alone, in the way tbat I am. If I do have to so home n the way that I am. of eours I will have to tell who waa ths cause of it. and then. Giobgi, vou would get yourself in trouble by it. Ho I want you to come and ses m.- m.- as soon ss you get this, as I will be going away, lor 1 cannot stay here much longer without money, for I uave none mvself. and my board has got to be paid, and where is it cominu from? Please come and see me aa sosu as you get this ... from yours truly, Susie.



The Amity-Place Mystery. Continuation of the Inquest by Coroner Rollins. Letter of the Deceased. Extraordinary Developments. Rollins yesterday resumed his investigation into the case of Miss Susannah Lattin, who died on the 28th ult. at Dr. D. H. Grindle's Private Lying-in Hospital, No. 6 Amity-place, ... from yours truly, Susie.


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