Inventory Glyptothek (München)

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Deutsch: Inventar der in der Münchner Glyptothek ausgestellten Werke.

Um Verwechslungen zwischen den Nummern verschiedener Inventare/Kataloge zu vermeiden, werden ihnen oft Buchstabenkürzel vorangestellt.
In den Tabellen auf dieser Seite sind sie meist nur in der Kurzform angegeben.

  • FW = Furtwängler oder Furtwängler/Wolters
    Adolf Furtwängler: Beschreibung der Glyptothek König Ludwig’s I. zu München. Zweite Auflage besorgt von Paul Wolters, München 1910 (online).
  • W = Wolters (Die Nummern stimmen oft, aber nicht immer mit FW überein.)
    Paul Wolters: Führer durch die Glyptothek König Ludwig’s I. zu München, München 1935.
  • E = Erwerbungen seit 1965 (Die Nummern setzen die Zählung von W fort.)
  • AS = (Inventar der Staatlichen) Antikensammlung
  • DV = Durchgangsverzeichnis
English: Inventory of works exhibited in the Glyptothek of Munich.
Français : Inventaire des œuvres exposées à la Glyptothèque de Munich.
Italiano: Inventario delle opere esposte nella Gliptoteca di Monaco di Baviera.
Македонски: Попис на делата изложени во Глиптотеката во Минхен.
Room Nr Accession Nr Type/Nature Attribution Description Images
I.1 169 Statue _ Munich Kouros Category
I.2 168 Statue _ Kouros of Tenea” (formerly “Apollo of Tenea”) Category
I.3 547 Statue _ Little kouros #1, #2, #3
I.4 273 Bust _ Head of Homer (in room 10 as of Feb. 2007) See Room 10
I.5 548 Bust _ Head of Plato (in room 10 as of Feb. 2007) See Room 10
I.6 170 Fr. statue _ Head of Sphinx(?) #1, #2, #3
I.7 241 Relief _ Charites #1, #2, #3
I.8 198 Relief _ Demeter and Kore #1, #2
I.9 _ Fr. relief _ Palmette from Parthenon #1
I.10 242 Architectural element _ Wall frieze from Erechtheum #1, #2, #3
I.11 243 Architectural element _ Crowning of Temple of Apollo at Bassae  
_ DV 37 Fr. statue Alcamenes Hermes Propylaios (head) #1
_ _ Statue _ Lion #1
_ 4339 Bronze statuette _ Zeus darting the lightning #1
Room Nr Accession Nr Type/Nature Attribution Description Images
II.1 218 Statue _ Barberini Faun Category
II.2 252 Fr. statue Phidias “Rondanini Medusa” Category
II.3 206 Relief _ Rural votive place #1, #2, #3, #4
II.4 174 Column _ Hecate and Charites #1, #2
II.5 456 Relief _ 2 satyrs #1, #2
II.6 329 Fr. relief _ Sitting god or hero #1
_ 221 Statue _ Silen Category
Room Nr Accession Nr Type/Nature Attribution Description Images
III.1 304 Statue Kresilas Torso of Diomedes Category
III.2 295 Statue _ Münchner König #1
III.3 519 Bust _ Head of Asclepius #1
III.4 294 Bust _ Head of a god or hero #1
III.5 212 Bust Alcamenes Head of Ares Category
III.6 554 Bust Polykleitos Head of an Amazon #1
III.7 213 Bust Kresilas Athena Velletri Category
III.8 236 Statue _ Torso of Aphrodite Category
III.9 457 Bronze bust _ Head of a boy with diadem #1
III.10 523 Basalt bust _ Head of a youth (Orpheus?) #1
III.11 265 Statue Onatas Torso of Apollo Category
III.12 247 Statue Polykleitos Torso of Apollo (Diadumenos) Category
III.13 484 Statue School of Polykleitos Victorious boy Category
III.14 208 Statue _ Woman #1
III.15 475 (FW 248a) Statue _ Goddess (Athena?) #1
Room Nr Accession Nr Type/Nature Attribution Description Images
IV.1 491 Relief _ Stele of Mnesarete #1, #2
IV.2 496 (l) & 485 (r) Statues _ Panthers #1 (l) and #1 (r)
IV.3 487 Relief _ Stele of Xenokrateia #1
IV.4 489 Statue _ Dreamer girl #1
IV.5 490 Statue _ Girl with dove #1
IV.6 199 Relief _ Stele of Plangon #1
IV.7 483 Relief _ Stele of Paramythion  
IV.8 522 Relief _ Stele of Demetrios #1
IV.9 473 Relief _ Athlet #1
IV.10 499 Lekythos _ Couple reaching hands #1
IV.11 DV 33 Lekythos _ Lekythos of Philon  
IV.12 DV 32 Lekythos _ Lekythos of Archippe  
Room Nr Accession Nr Type/Nature Attribution Description Images
V.1 219 Statue _ Eirene and Plutus #1, #2, #3, #4
V.2 302 Statue _ Pouring athlet #1
V.3 229 Statue Praxiteles Leaning satyr #1
V.4 228 Statue Praxiteles Leaning satyr #1
V.5 261 Bust _ Head of Pan #1
V.6 210 Bust _ Head of woman  
V.7 _ Bust _ Head of Muse (?) #1
V.8 _ Bust _ Head of Sappho (?) #1
V.9 _ Bust _ Head of Heracles #1
V.10 238 Statue Lysippos Silen and Dionysos #1
V.11 272 Bust _ Head of Ares #1
V.12 _ Bust _ Head of athlet  
V.13 269 Statue _ Laying Niobid #1
V.14 270 Statue _ Knelt Niobid (?) #1
V.15 246 Bust _ Head of woman #1
V.16 258 Statue Praxiteles “Aphrodite Braschi” #1
V.17 275a Bust _ Head of Aphrodite #1
V.18 250a Bust _ Head of Eros (?)  
V.19 _ Statue Lysippos “Hermes Richelieu” type #1
Room Nr Accession Nr Type/Nature Attribution Description Images
VI.1 492 Relief _ Stele with a hunter #1
VI.2 497 Statue _ Dog  
VI.3 493 Relief _ Stele of Artemon #1
VI.4 _ Relief _ Stele of a woman  
VI.5 _ Relief _ Stele with a lyre player #1
VI.6 _ Bust _ Head of a child girl #1
VI.7 482 Relief _ Dreamer girl #1
VI.8 DV 34 Lekythos _ Lekythos with 3 women #1
VI.9 _ Lekythos _ Lekythos of Eukoline  
VI.10 486 Fr. relief _ Stele of Lamprokles  
VI.11 498 Fr. relief _ Head of a dreamer girl #1
VI.12 512 Fr. relief _ Couple in banquet  
VI.13 252a Statue _ Girl  
Room Nr Accession Nr Type/Nature Attribution Description Images
VII.1 _ Statues _ West pediment of the temple of Aphaia #1, #2 + see detailed list below
VII.2 75 Fr. statue _ Head of W-III #1
VII.3 _ Fr. statue _ Shield of W-X #1, #2
VII.4 _ Model _ Polychrome Trojan archer #1
VII.5 93, 94 (?) Architectural element _ West crowning of the temple of Aphaia #1
VII.6 _ Model _ Temple of Aphaia #1
_ 196 Relief _ Column with inscriptions #1
Pediment Nr Accession Nr Description Images
W-I 74 Athena #1
W-II 76 Trojan warrior #1
W-III _ Greek warrior #1
W-IV 77 Greek archer (“Teucer”) #1
W-V 78 Greek warrior #1
W-VI _ No remains of this warrior _
W-VII 79 Fallen trojan warrior #1
W-VIII _ Helmet  
W-IX 80 Ajax the Great #1
W-X _ Trojan warrior #1
W-XI 81 Trojan archer (“Paris”) #1
W-XII _ Trojan warrior #1
W-XIII 75 Fallen Greek warrior #1
W-XIV _ Fallen Greek warrior #1
W-XV _ Shield  
Room Nr Accession Nr Type/Nature Attribution Description Images
_ 96 Statue _ Sphinx #1
Room Nr Accession Nr Type/Nature Attribution Description Images
IX.1 _ Statues Onatas East pediment of the temple of Aphaia #1 + see detailed list below
IX.2 _ Fr. statue _ Head of E-X #1
IX.3 90 Fr. statue _ Head of E-IX #1
IX.4 91 Fr. statue _ Head of Sphinx #1
IX.5 _ Model _ Sanctuary of Aphaia #1
_ 172 Architectural element _ Doric capital  
Pediment Nr Accession Nr Description Images
E-I 89 Athena #1
E-II 86 Trojan warrior (“Priam”) #1
E-III 87 Greek warrior #1
E-IV 88 Greek warrior #1
E-V 84 Heracles as archer #1
E-VI _ Fallen Greek warrior #1
E-VII _ No remains of this warrior _
E-VIII _ Trojan warrior  
E-IX _ Trojan warrior  
E-X _ Trojan archer  
E-XI 85 Fallen Trojan warrior (“Laomedon”) #1
Room Nr Accession Nr Type/Nature Attribution Description Images
X.1 298 Statue Euphranor “Alexander Rondanini” Category
X.2 _ Bust Lysippos “Alexander Schwarzenberg” Category
X.3 _ Bust _ Berenice II #1
X.4 292 Herma Polyeuktos Demosthenes #1, #2
X.5 _ Bust _ Head of Menander #1
X.6 548 Bust _ Head of Plato (previously I.5) #1
X.7 _ Bust _ Head of poet and philosoph #1
X.8 _ Bust _ Head of Carneades #1
X.9 _ Bust _ Metrodorus #1
X.10 _ Relief _ Relief of Hiras  
X.11 _ Relief _ Stele of Nikolaos of Miletus  
X.12 _ Relief _ Stele of G. Saupheios Maker #1
X.13 _ Bust _ Head of Aphrodite (?) #1
X.14 _ Statue _ Torso of a Muse with lyre (?) #1
X.15 _ Relief _ Roman sacrifice #1
X.16 _ Bust _ Head of boy  
X.A _ Relief _ Flute player and his family #1
_ 273 Bust _ Head of Homer (previously I.4) #1
_ _ Bust Lysippos Head of Socrates #1
Room Nr Accession Nr Type/Nature Attribution Description Images
XI.1 317 Bust _ “Augustus Bevilacqua” Category
XI.2 314 Bust _ Tiberius #1, #2, #3
XI.3 316 Bust _ Head of Agrippina or Drusilla Category
XI.4 367 Statue _ Livia #1, #2
XI.4a _ Bust _ Head of a young roman woman #1
XI.5 537 Bust _ Head of Gaius Octavius(?) #1, #2
XI.6 320 Bust _ Head of an old Roman #1, #2, #3
XI.7 323 Bust _ Head of a Roman Category
XI.8 _ Bust _ Head of a Roman #1, #2
XI.9 319 Bust _ “Marius” Category
XI.10 309 Bust _ “Sulla” Category
XI.11 527 Statue _ Armored general Category
XI.12 540 Statue _ Roman in toga #1, #2
XI.13 413 Bust _ Roman #1, #2
XI.14 351 Bust _ Roman wife #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6
XI.15 333 Bust _ Roman woman Category
XI.16 539 Bust _ Roman herma #1, #2
XI.17 343 Bust _ Head of a Roman with an ivy crown #1
XI.18 321 Bust _ Head of Nero Category
XI.19 338 Bust _ Head of Titus Category
XI.20a 335 Bust _ Trajan Category
XI.20b 336 Bust _ Head of Trajan Category
XI.21 505 Bust _ Head of a Roman boy #1, #2, #3, #4
XI.22 415 Bust _ Roman #1, #2
XI.23 414 Bust _ Roman #1
XI.24 342 Bust _ Head of a woman #1
XI.25 377 Statue _ Roman woman #1, #2, #3
XI.26 405 Bust _ Head of Plotina(?) Category
XI.27 398 Bust _ Head of a Roman woman #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6
XI.28 341 Bust _ Head of a Roman priest #1
XI.29 534 Bust _ T. Caesernius Statianus Category
XI.30 535 Bust _ Head of Faustina Minor #1, #2, #3, #4
XI.31 334 Bust _ Apollodorus(?) #1, #2, #3
XI.32 417 Bust _ Head of a Roman #1
XI.33 400 Bust _ Antinous Category
XI.34 410 Bust _ Head of a Roman woman with an ears crown #1
XI.35 402 Bust _ Roman #1, #2
XI.36 404 Bust _ Head of a man  
XI.37 337 Bust _ Antoninus Pius Category
XI.38 344 Bust _ Head of a young Roman  
XI.39 332 Bust _ Head of a Roman #1, #2
XI.40 339 Bust _ Roman wearing paludamentum #1, #2, #3
XI.41 340 Bust _ Roman #1, #2, #3, #4
XI.42 375 Bust _ Lucius Verus Category
XI.43a 358 Bust _ Head of Commodus  
XI.43b 385 Bust _ Bust of Commodus #1, #2, #3
XI.44 429 Bust _ Head of old Roman #1, #2, #3
XI.45 427 Statue _ Roman woman #1, #2, #3
XI.46a 382 Bust _ Roman with paludamentum #1, #2
XI.46b 383 Bust _ Roman with toga #1, #2
XI.47 DV 35 Fr. bust _ Head of a Roman #1, #2
XI.48 357 Bust _ Septimius Severus Category
XI.49 352 Bust _ Head of Geta boy Category
XI.50 354 Bust _ Julia Domna(?) Category
XI.51 396 Bust _ Roman #1
XI.52 362 Bust _ Head of a Roman  
XI.53 512 Bust _ Head of a Roman  
XI.54 360 Bust _ Roman boy #1
XI.55 356 Bust _ Roman woman #1
XI.56 DV 36 Bust _ Head of a Roman #1
XI.57 384 Bust _ Roman #1
XI.57a 550 Fr. bust _ Alexander Severus #1
XI.58 DV 46 Bust _ Head of a Roman #1
XI.59 386 Bust _ Roman  
XI.60 555 Bust(?) _ Head of a German #1, #2
XI.61 561 Bust _ Head of a Roman #1
XI.62 381 Bust _ Head of a Roman  
XI.63 406 Bust _ Head of a Roman woman  
XI.64 379 Bust _ Head of a Roman  
XI.A 239 Relief _ “Altar of Domitius Ahenobarbus” Category
XI.B 364 Relief _ Gladiators’ fight #1, #2
XI.C 504 Mosaic _ Aion and Tellus Category
XI.D 533 Strigillated sarcophagus _ Muse, dextrarum iunctio, philosopher #1, #2, #3, #4
XI.E 536, 538 Sarcophagus (fr.) _ Hunting scenes #1, #2
XI.F 348 Architectural element _ Frieze segment of the Basilica Ulpia #1
XI.G 553 Altar _ Altar to Sol and the Genius of Domitian #1, #2, #3
_ 325 Bust _ Cicero(?) Category
_ ? Bust _ Head of a Roman, 1st century AD #1, #2
_ 570 Bust _ Hadrian #1, #2, #3, #4, #5
_ 569 Bust _ Marcus Aurelius #1
_ DV 89 Bust _ Arcadius Category
_ 571 Sarcophagus _ Sea creatures #1, #2
Room Nr Accession Nr Type/Nature Attribution Description Images
XII.1 211 Statue _ “Apollo Barberini” Category
XII.2 214 Statue _ “Artemis Braschi” Category
XII.3 227 Statue _ Artemis bearing cornucopia Category
XII.4 266 Statue _ Muse Category
XII.5 271 Bust _ Head of Heracles with poplar leaves crown #1, #2
XII.6 245 Bust _ Head of Heracles with oak leaves crown #1, #2
XII.7 394 Fr. statue _ Domitian Category
XII.8 300 Statue _ Hermes Category
Room Nr Accession Nr Type/Nature Attribution Description Images
XIII.1 268 Statue Boethos of Chalcedon Child playing with a goose Category
XIII.2 437 Statue _ Drunken old woman Category
XIII.3 280 Fr. statue _ Hanging Marsyas Category
XIII.4 222 Bust _ Head of satyr #1, #2
XIII.4a 551 Bust _ Laughing girl #1, #2, #3, #4
XIII.5 450 Bronze bust _ Head of satyr #1, #2, #3
XIII.5a 231 Statue _ Dionysos #1
XIII.6 345 Sarcophagus _ Niobids Category
XIII.7 363 Sarcophagus _ Orestes and Iphigenia Category
XIII.8 328 Sarcophagus (front side) _ Selene and Endymion Category
XIII.9 365 Sarcophagus (front side) _ Dionysos and Ariadne #1, #2
XIII.10 223 Sarcophagus _ Dionysos and Ariadne #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6. –
Left side:  
Right side: #7, #8, #9.
XIII.11 240 Sarcophagus (front side) _ Dionysos child #1, #2
XIII.11a 326 Sarcophagus _ Muses Front side: #1. –
Left side:  
Right side:  
XIII.12 455 Relief _ Rural scene #1, #2, #3, #4
XIII.13 251 Relief _ Rural scene #1, #2, #3
_ _ Statue _ Dancing satyr #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6
_ _ Fr. statue _ Prostitute and her lover #1

Usually not on display

Room Nr Accession Nr Type/Nature Attribution Description Images
_ 299 Bust _ “Cimon” #1