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This is the documentation page for Module:Technique/WikidataLUT

The main purpose of this page is the mapping of the controlled vocabulary terms of {{Technique}} to Wikidata items. It is used by Module:Technique. It also contains other data relevant to all languages and thus collected here centrally and not in the language sub-modules of Module:Technique.

The mappings are used for data flow in both directions. Commons uses them to retrieve labels and Wikipedia article links for technique terms from Wikidata. At the same time the mappings are intended to be used to transfer technique information from Commons to Wikidata with the help of Module:Wikidata art which in turn is used by Module:Artwork to create input for d:Help:QuickStatements.

How to add or change the mapping for a term


For adding new values add a new line below the block of deprecated terms that looks like the following one:

	['example term'] = {qid = 'Q4115189'},

If you change the Q-ID of a mapping, please remove the class data of the mapping, i.e. the fields like this: "material = true, process = false, object = false,".

If you want to add class data (again) or update the class data you can run paws:7846754/update-module-technique-WikidataLUT.ipynb or ask someone else to run it or just wait until someone else will run it.

Meaning of the fields


Possible fields for each {{Technique}} term:

  • qid: Q-ID for the Wikidata item that corresponds to the {{Technique}} term.
  • deprecated: It can be given as true if a term is deprecated for some reason like being ambiguous. If a deprecated term is used Module:Technique adds the page it is used on to c:Category:Pages using Template:Technique with deprecated term.
  • material, process and object (for nouns) and color and process for adjectives: This class information is used for deciding to which property a term at Commons should be added at Wikidata, terms in the material class for example are to be transferred to made from material (P186) at Wikidata. It represents Wikidata class membership. Please don't update the information manually, but leave out the fields if you add lines for new terms. The class data can be updated for the whole page using paws:7846754/update-module-technique-WikidataLUT.ipynb
  • altQids: These are alternative Q-IDs for Wikidata items that are used as a fallback to find a Wikipedia article to link to for {{Technique}}. The items are checked in the order given for articles in the corresponding Wikipedia for the language requested.

Sources and ancestors of this page


Initial mappings were taken from Template:Technique/WikidataLUT, mappings from Module:Technique/mappings, Module:Artwork/Technique LUT were considered as well.

A sandbox for this page is at Module:Technique/sandbox/WikidataLUT.