Template:AnimalBase genus

AnimalBase link: AnimalBase genus (+species list)

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This documentation is transcluded from Template:AnimalBase genus/doc.

Use this template to add a reference to a genus on the web site AnimalBase by providing the taxon id on AnimalBase.
Note: This template can be used in conjunction with {{Taxoconflict}}, {{Taxa}}, {{Genera}}, {{Genera2}}, {{Species}}, {{Species2}} and {{Subspecies}} with parameter "source=AnimalBase" (See here the different values for source)
Note: if you want to edit this template, first try your modifications on {{AnimalBase genus/sandbox}}.You can then test your edits in {{AnimalBase genus/testcases}}.
When the new version is ready, you can move it to the main template.
{{AnimalBase genus | 289 | Acicula | Hartmann, 1821 }}
{{AnimalBase genus | 289 | Acicula }}
{{AnimalBase genus | 289 }}
AnimalBase link: Acicula Hartmann, 1821 (+species list)
AnimalBase link: Acicula (+species list)
AnimalBase link: Acicula (+species list)
{{AnimalBase genus | genusTaxonId | genusName | author }}
  • genusTaxonId
the id of the genusTaxon on AnimalBase web site.
How to retrieve the id: In the url www.animalbase.uni-goettingen.de/zooweb/servlet/AnimalBase/home/genustaxon?id=289 the genusTaxonId is 289
Sample (for Acicula): 289
  • genusName
The name of the species (don't put italic)
Sample (for Acicula): Acicula
  • author
The name of the author
Sample (for Acicula): Hartmann, 1821
Use sample
See also