Template:Meliphagidae (IOC)

IOC Classification: DomainEukaryota • RegnumAnimalia • PhylumChordata • SubphylumVertebrata • InfraphylumGnathostomata • CladusOsteichthyes • SuperclassisTetrapoda • CladusAmniota • CladusReptilia • CladusArchosauria • ClassisAves • SuperordoNeognathae • OrdoPasseriformes • SubordoPasseri • InfraordoCorvida • SuperfamiliaMeliphagoidea • FamiliaMeliphagidae

This template should be used in categories and articles as {{Taxonavigation}}'s parameter include=
For that reason, those kind of templates are called 'taxonavigation include templates' or simply 'include templates'.
There are such templates for:
WARNING: they are named <orderName> except for Coleoptera (include) and Lepidoptera (include)
WARNING: as these families template follow APGIII, they are named <familyName> (APG) and contain classification=APGIII
WARNING: as these families template follow Smith System, they are named <familyName> (Smith) and contain classification=Smith
WARNING: as these families template follow IOC classification, they are named <familyName> (IOC) and contain classification=IOC
|include = Meliphagidae (IOC)
|authority = Linnaeus, 1758
Automatic categories
As you provided parameter categorizeSpeciesIn, Meliphagidae by species or Species of Meliphagidae will be automatically added to species using this template.
These automatic category should only contain {{TaxonavigationAutoCategory|Meliphagidae|includename=Meliphagidae (IOC)}}
See also