Use this template to add a reference to a taxon on the web site Species File.
This site provides 14 different insect databases.
Note: This template can be used in conjunction with {{Taxoconflict}}, {{Taxa}}, {{Genera}}, {{Genera2}}, {{Species}}, {{Species2}} and {{Subspecies}} with parameter "source=<DatabaseName>SF" (See here the different values for source)
{{SpeciesFile | Aphid | 1159538 | Aphididae Latreille, 1802 }}
{{SpeciesFile | Cockroach | 1178868 | ''Periplaneta'' Burmeister, 1838 }}
{{SpeciesFile | Coleorrhyncha | 1171559 | Peloridiidae Breddin, 1897 }}
{{SpeciesFile | Orthoptera | 40134 | ''Aeolacris'' Scudder, 1875 }}
{{SpeciesFile | Plecoptera | 1154810 | Capniinae Banks, 1900 | nv }}
Aphid Species File link: Aphididae Latreille, 1802
Cockroach Species File link: Periplaneta Burmeister, 1838
Coleorrhyncha Species File link: Peloridiidae Breddin, 1897
Orthoptera Species File link: Aeolacris Scudder, 1875
Plecoptera Species File link: Capniinae Banks, 1900 Invalid
{{SpeciesFile | database | id | name | validity }}
  • database
the name of the database on the SpeciesFile web site. See section 'Databases' for more details.
Possible values: Aphid, Arthropoda, Cockroach, Coleorrhyncha, Collembola, Coreoidea, Dermaptera, Embioptera, Grylloblattodea, Mantodea, Orthoptera, Paraneoptera, Phasmida, Plecoptera, Polyneoptera, Psocodea, Zoraptera
Sample (for Aphididae): Aphid
  • id
the id of the taxon on OrthopteraSF web site.
How to retrieve the id: In the url the id is 40134
Sample (for Aphididae): 1159538
  • name
The name of the taxon with its author (don't forget italic for genus and species)
Sample (for Aphididae): Aphididae Latreille, 1802
  • validity (optional)
If the taxon is considered as unaccepted or synonym by SpeciesFile, add nv.
Sample (for Capniinae): nv
Use sample
See also