I am preparing this page, visit my personal webpage in the meantime www.angeljusto.com (a bit out of date I'm afraid).

I am Spanish, interested in a lot of diferent things, mainly related to Art (Art history, Painting, Pastels, Photography, Painters) and Computers (experienced IT manager, Webmaster, PHP coding, Databases ...), but also active helping my bit to defend the Enviroment and Human Rights and Animal Rights (I'm a proud Vegetarian).

I hope my career as a graphic designer/photographer —and IT manager more recently— will be helpful to the Wikimedia Commons and the Wikipedia. I think I could specially help with illustrations, maps and of course photographs. I have a large archive of photographs mainly related to Nature and landscape from my country, the UK (where I have family so I visit often), Portugal and Finland (the most wonderful country and people I have met). I'm also ready to take any needed picture if it is posible to me at all.

I can write very well in Spanish, quite well in Galician and decently well in English.