Atul Pandita: Lifeographer

     A Realtor by profession, I call myself "Lifeographer". Ever since my first encounter with a Kodak DC 215 Zoom camera, almost 20 years ago...I have thoroughly engaged myself in drawing life portraits with the help of my ever so faithful shutterbug.

     Portraits full of life...full of positivity... portraits teeming with infinite energy. Portraits that are like a beautiful poem...that, which transcend the space time continuum.

      It is these very portraits that I intend to present before you all on a beautiful spotless canvas...thus, sharing my vision with you all...

"These faces...these lives...that I paint,

They're so very faint.  

   And yet, they leave an indelible mark on my soul,

Those seething eyes...tend to burn me from within...they create an infinite hole.  

    These are attributes that I can never ever forget,

Freezing them in what I what I never regret.

     I have the ability to find this world that, which is filled with sadness,

That beautiful quantum of solace...that hides away in all of that ruckus...all of that madness.        

     For, I am a Lifeographer...portraits of life is what I paint,

My existence...well, it is exciting, positive and definitely very quaint!!!

Power to this beautiful world...power to every human being...

Live your your dreams...and stop never ever!!"

"Light up the darkness":: Bob Marley