Aikido Moral Code
HEA poster of Sugano Sensei and Aikido Moral Code. J. Khan photographer. Photo 1997, where I was uke in picture.

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Khanashin, Afghanistan, north of the Pakistan border in Helmand Province.
  1. Heaven and Earth Aikido, Herndon, Va picture with Y. Yamada Sensei. B. Ericksen (, Dojo-cho of HEA, was uchi deshi for Y. Yamada 1993-1996.
    New York Aikikai Christmas Seminar 2022 picture with Y. Yamada
    B. Ericksen was uchi deshi at New York Aikikai from 1993-1996. S. Sugano was a primary influence on B. Ericksen's aikido and life from this time when Sugano was a close mentor till Sugano's passing in 2010.
    B. Ericksen, Otomo, S. Sugano, Maredsous Belgium Global Inner Aikido Seminar (GIAS) 1997.
