This page represents the Wikimedia Commons account for Mr. Barnes, law clerk at the United States Marine Corps ("USMC") Trademark Licensing Office ("TMLO").

The USMC TMLO, under authority granted in 10 U.S.C. 2260, is responsible for registering, licensing, and enforcing trademarks owned by the USMC. The purpose of this account is to provide an avenue to update pages bearing USMC trademarks. While many words, initials, seals, crests, insignia, and symbols ("the collective USMC marks") are in the public domain for copyright purposes, they are also registered U.S. trademarks.

Unfortunately, people will see these marks (like the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor), read the words "public domain," and then believe that they may use them freely. However, this is not the case. Usage of the collective USMC marks is not without restrictions, specifically regarding commercial activity. Permission must be granted in the form of a license agreement or permission letter by the USMC TMLO before a private or corporate entity may use the collective marks for commercial purposes. Failure to do so may lead to civil liability. It is strongly recommended that you consult an intellectual property attorney prior to engaging in any manufacturing ventures.

For additional information regarding licensing options, please visit