Hello! My name is Alexander Raykov, I live in Uzbekistan, I love my country very much and I want to present it for people of the world! My native language is Russian, I can speak English (not well) and Uzbek (poor). I has written over the 50 articles about rivers and lakes of Uzbekistan (and a few other articles) in Russian Wikipedia and I am planning to write stubs about they in English Wikipedia.

If you need the photos of objects in Tashkent city or Tashkent province, I can help you! Carpodacus (talk) 18:00, 16 July 2014 (UTC)

The Photographer's Barnstar
For uploading amazing photos of Uzbekistan. Unfortunately, not many people upload photos of Central Asian countries. Your work has not gone unnoticed. Keep it up! Nataev talk 14:16, 8 March 2015 (UTC)