David Kettlewell - David the Harper


Trained first in management, then organising folk-dance festivals, then trained as a conductor, after my PhD I saw myself as a musicologist too: I've looked most closely at how renaissance musicians used their art to affect other people's feelings, as well as their own, using the results in personal development today, specially in showing people how they can do things they thought were impossible, like singing in an opera when they thought they were tone-deaf, learning a new language in a couple weeks and so on: I've been professor at Tartu University in Estonia, worked with the Society for Effective Affective Learning, was founder-chairman of the Swedis association for whole-person education SOHL. Play the harp, harpsichord organ and most other things if they're needed, these days I work mostly from my little Mac studio in my timber farm-house in the north of Sweden, with films and fonts and music.



Musica Humana - music and musicology to educate the whole person