Dilyan Bakalski

1983 - Born in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria


1991-1997 - Fine arts Shcool "Rodina", Stara Zagora, BG
1997-2002 - "Design" Art School "Academic D. Uzunov ", Kazanlak, BG
2005-2010 -BA  "Poster, visual communication and graphic design",  University "St. Cyril and Methodius" Faculty of Fine Arts, Veliko Tarnovo, BG
2011 - 2013 - MA "Digital Arts", "National Academy of Arts" Sofia, BG

Participation and Exhibitions:

2003 - Participation in the International Youth Exhibition "Small Graphics" - Pleven, Sofia
2004 - 2009 - Annual participation in the "Autumn Salon" - Stara Zagora 
2005 - Participation in the Symposium "Ksilifor" - Veliko Tarnovo 
2005 - 2011 - Annual participation in "Youth Exhibition" the Foundation "Plamak" Stara Zagora, Radnevo 
2006 - I-st prize for collective creativity "Annual Student Exhibition" - Veliko Tarnovo 
2006 - nowdays - "*.PDFAZING" - Online magazine for modern underground artists^
2007, 2009, 2011, 2013 - "Biennial of Humour and Satire" - Gabrovo 
2009 - Participation in "Night of Museums and Galleries" - Stara Zagora /Video instalation "“ENS ENTIUM”"
2012 - Participation in "Chess with the pawn" - Sofia Perfotmance "TV" 
2012 - Participation in "Vkluchi grada" - Burgas /Video Art workshop mentor/
2012 - Participation in "Night of Museums and Galleries" - Sofia Video instalation "REPLACE" 
2012 -  Video for "Zoom In" - Perfotmance Burgas, Varna, Sofia /Video Editor/ 
2012 - Participation in "We All Are Mad" - Sofia /interactive installation/ 
2012 - "5 sences" - Ineractve Video Instalation - Uzana (coauthor with Hristina Chaneva, Pavel Olegov and Marina Stoyanova)^
2012 - Participation in Magmart videoart festival - Italy
2013 - Video for Ruth Koleva “Slow Fire” /2-nd camera/
2013 - First prize in Biennial of Humour and Satire” - Planeta Gabrovo Contest
2013 - Performance "Work In Progress" with Nora Karalambeva, - Workshop "Zeitraffer / Time-lapse", Sofia^
2013 - First solo exhibition "Generative drawings" - Bayer, Stara Zagora /Drawing machines/^
2013 - Curating exhibition/mini-fest for digital/media arts - “042 Fest”, Stara Zagora^
2015 -  Curating group exhibition "Why Good" Abstract Conceptualism, Bayer, Stara^ Zagora
2015 – „World of Zagorka” – beer museum visuals and interior design – Stara Zagora 
2018 - "Състояния" - Curating group exhibition - Stara Zagora^ 
2018 - "Природни състояния" - Curating group exhibition - Stara Zagora^ 
2019 - "Сърневец" I - Plainair - Sarnevets^
2019 - "Еestival solstice" - lll solo exhibition - Stara Zagora^ 
2019 - "Fairytale doors" - Murals in the space of Regional Library "Zahariy Knyazhesky" - Stara Zagora 
2019 - "Mystic, mystic and enigmatic" - Curating group exhibition - Stara Zagora^ 
2019 - "Mystic, mystic and enigmatic" - Curating group exhibition - Shipka^ 
2019 - " Hiemal solstice" - solo exhibition - Stara Zagora^
2020 – Participation in “NY Art Competitions” – fine art – New York
2020 - Participation in "DA fest" - videoart - Sofia
2021 - Plainair "Scetches from the Silver Mountain" - solo exhibition - Kazanlak, Stara Zagora

^ - realisations by me