
I am this user on the English Wikipedia. I primarily contribute images in the following subject areas:

Pop culture

Special thanks

This page design has been shamelessly modeled on elements of the user pages of various editors on the English Wikipedia.

The image layout was adatped from Ruhrfisch's user page;

Ruhrfish got the design from SandyGeorgia, who, in turn, lifted it from Kirill Lokshin.

The border was snatched from the user page of OSX.

Wikimedia Foundation
Wikimedia Foundation
This is a Wikimedia Commons user page.

If you find this page on any site other than Wikimedia Commons, you are viewing a mirror site. Be aware that the page most likely is outdated and that the user this page belongs to may have no personal affiliation with any site other than Wikimedia Commons itself. The original page is located at

Wikimedia Foundation
Wikimedia Foundation