Dwayne Reilander is a freelance photojournalist from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. His photographs have been published by the United Nations [1], the World Wide Fund for Nature[2], Le Journal des Arts[3], and included in work by David Suzuki[4] among others.

Police quell a riot in Santiago, Chile - 2016.
A girl begs for money on a busy street in Paris, France - 2018.
A Cessna 280 flies over Victoria Falls in Nahanni National Park, Northwest Territories, Canada - 2019.
A humpback whale breaches off the coast near Nuqui, Colombia - 2017.
  1. https://www.fao.org/in-action/agronoticias/detail/en/c/1103798/
  2. https://wwf.panda.org/wwf_news/?1152816/Colombia-2030-target-NDC
  3. https://www.lejournaldesarts.fr/patrimoine/le-savoir-des-indigenes-colombiens-de-la-sierra-nevada-inscrit-au-patrimoine-immateriel
  4. https://www.straight.com/news/david-suzuki-reconciliation-means-rethinking-parks-governance