Evgeny V. Shun’ko

Portrait of Evgeny V. Shun'ko

(Short Autobiography) July 16, 2013.

I was born in Omsk city, Russia in 1937. After completing a high school in Omsk, I enrolled in the Department of Physics at the Ural Polytechnic Institute in Sverdlovsk (presently Ekaterinburg) in 1954, and later transferred to the Novosibirsk’ State University in Akademgorodok where I received Master’s Degree in Physics and Mathematics. At that time, the Novosibirsk’ State University was just founded by Academician Professor Mikhail Lavrentyev and attracted some of most renowned Russian scientists. In 1974, I received Ph.D. Degree in Physics and Mathematics from the Novosibirsk’ State University after completing a doctoral thesis entitled “High Power CO2 Laser with Plasma in E x B Fields”. I had done my post-doctoral training at the Institute of Nuclear Physics in Academgorodok in the Laboratory of Dr. Gersh Budker with whom I worked closely on a thermonuclear fusion problem and co-authored several papers. Later, I continued to work on plasma confinement for the thermonuclear fusion as a senior scientist at the Institute of Nuclear Physics.

In 1991, I moved with my family to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, where I held a professor assistant position at the High Energy Department of the University of Pittsburgh.

In 1994, I moved to Ann Arbor, Michigan, to join GUARDIAN Industries Corporation as a Senior Scientist.

At present, I am a Chief Scientist at the WINTEK Electro-Optics Corporation in Ann Arbor.

I have 45 publications in a field of plasma physics, 6 patents on Ion and Plasma Sources, and monograph: Langmuir Probe in Theory and Practice, Universal Publishers, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, 2009.