Wikimedia Commons contributions log

Also see User:ELApro @Wikipedia and @Wikiquote.

The following images were uploaded to the Wikimedia Commons by ELApro.

Frontispiece from
The Autobiography of Abraham Lincoln (1915)
A Timothy Cole wood engraving from a May 20, 1860 ambrotype of Lincoln, two days following his nomination for President.
José Miguel Pecos (Zu-wa-ng)
Native of the Pueblo of Pecos.
Se-Sa - Fwe-Yah or Agustin Pecos,
The Last Resident of the Extinct Pueblo of Pecos
José G. Gallegos (Sketch) for use in José Guadalupe Gallegos
for use in Lúcio Costa
ELA for use in Richard Leakey
ThRoszak60s for use in Theodore Roszak
"Dog Town" or Settlement of Prairie Dogs from Josiah Gregg's Commerce on the Prairies (1844)
Modification by ELApro of a map by the National Park Service for use in Josiah Gregg's Commerce of the Prairies
William Pitt the Younger from Stanhope's Life of Pitt
Illustration "A scamper among the buffalo" by John Gadsby Chapman from Narrative of the Texan Santa Fé Expedition by George Wilkins Kendall (1844)
Acute, right and obtuse cones created by ELApro

Joseph Priestley's Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of Air Plate I, facing title page
Scheele's Chemical Observations and Experiments on Air and Fire
London Encyclopaedia (1829) Vol.21 "Steam Engine" (Savery's) Plate I
London Encyclopaedia (1829) Vol.2 "Anatomy" Plate VI
London Encyclopaedia (1829) Vol.2 "Anatomy" Plate V
Muir's The Elements Of Chemistry Ch.1 Fig.1, Lavoisier measures oxygen from mercuric oxide
CalculusMadeEasy ThompsonFg2&3
CalculusMadeEasy ThompsonFg4