So by chance or willingfully, but finally, you landed up here to catch a glimpse of me, in this infinite web world.

Hi !!, Mohammed Hasibul Wahab, heartedly and warmly welcomes you on my personal website. Here you will find my life’s ideology, attitude, beliefs, future plans and many other beautiful things about me. In short, Its like an autobiography. By profession, I am a Software Engineer , nowdays working with BRAINSTATION-23.

Blogging is my hobby, I do it whenever I get time. In my words “Nothing is impossible but what matters is the extent up to which you can go for that thing”. One of my favourite poem is : Heav’n but the Vision of fulfill’d Desire,And Hell the Shadow of a Soul on fire. -Omar Khoiam and if you are interested in knowing about me beyond use the tabs above to navigate the different areas , then keep following the links on this website.