Hippomenes is British-born (1954) Zimbabwean-educated (1961-1973) Australian-resident (1983-). Grandparents were refugees from Lithuania to UK in 1915. Father lived in UK retired to Kenya (1987-1997). Younger brother has lived in Brazil since 1977. I have been a mad-keen photographer since 1971, the first 33 years entirely 35mm format. As a result of all this I have a load of photos of a number of parts of the world, a lot of them 30+ years ago. I am finally in the process of scanning my way through the c10,000 negatives that this obsession has produced.

I would like to upload interesting examples for which I am the author and for which I possess the original negative. I will obviously not do so if the Wikipedia attitude remains "delete all" rather than "what can we do to keep interesting photographs?".