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Hello, I plan to scan and upload high resolution images of illustrations from out of copyright 19th century books, at a quality level better than those already freely available online.

After a few hours of carrying out this mission, I need to clearly state a few guidelines:

  • All images I upload will be Public Domain because they are out of copyright, the authors and artists having died more than 70 years ago - Using a CC-SA-4 ShareAlike license is abuse of copyright and I would characterise it as the shallow end of enclosing the commons.
  • The scans will be rotated so that they are at the same angle as originally published
  • All will be greyscale and level adjusted so that the paper is pure white and the woodcut print is black, and no images from the other side of the paper is visible - This is so that the images may be easily re-used, and not a record of the quality of the paper printed copy after 140 or so years on a bookshelf.
  • Any printing errors and and printing plate degradation will be left intact (uncorrected), as a record of quality of the print when originally printed
  • Image resolution should be as high as possible, at a level that would allow an image comparable to the original to be printed, or used on a billboard - otherwise, what's the point, its just churning out garbage.