User:Jack who built the house/便利讨论

This page is a translated version of a page User:Jack who built the house/Convenient Discussions and the translation is 66% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through User:Jack who built the house/Convenient Discussions and have to be approved by a translation administrator.
Outdated translations are marked like this.


Navigating sibling threads by holding the middle mouse button

Convenient Discussions

2021 Coolest Tool
Award Winner

in the category



  • 发布和编辑评论时,无需切换到单独页面
    • 自动填充艾特(@某用户)、[[#评论链接]]、[[维基链接]]、{{模板}}和<标签>
    • 引用评论并保留格式
    • 自动填写编辑摘要,并注明评论的对象
    • 保存评论草稿,以便在浏览器崩溃等意外情况发生后恢复表单内容
    • 点击3步将截图上传至共享资源
  • 创建主题和小节
  • 重新设计讨论页,在评论顶部显示作者和日期(可选),并用细线表示讨论串
  • 处理“缩进”模板
  • 可折叠(和自动折叠)讨论串
  • 以本地时间和任意格式(包括相对时间格式)显示评论时间戳
  • 突出显示和导航至新评论(通过导航面板或目录)
  • 突出显示自己的评论
  • 在后台检查新评论并自动呈现简单的评论编辑
  • 可订阅主题,这会在多个地方收到通知并突出显示该话题(基于讨论工具)。
  • 用户的评论被回复,或用户在开放页面上订阅的主题有新评论时,可收到桌面通知(可选)
  • 在讨论页之间移动主题
  • 感谢添加评论的编辑
  • 复制评论链接
  • 从监视列表和其他列出修订的页面跳转到特定评论
  • 总是能看到当前段落的名称,只需点击一下就能浏览页面的各个部分
  • 在存档中搜索评论和段落


  • 无需在代码中搜索评论的位置、计算需要加入的冒号数量、键入斜线和其他标记;
  • 无需担心编辑冲突;
  • 无需通过差异阅读讨论页;
  • 当有新评论时,无需完全重新加载页面后在眼花缭乱的评论中查找,更不需要查看监视列表;
  • 无需将UTC日期转换为本地时间。





任何维基有自己的特点,这样脚本就可以插入配置文件中。这些是为每个维基,由志愿者创建的个体。如果您知道JavaScript,并且您的维基还没有,可参考§ 为单一维基配置。在维基上拥有配置文件也将加快执行脚本。


Make sure to deactivate timestamp transforming by changing CD's timestamps settings to what's in the screenshot.

快捷讨论默认以本地时间显示时间戳。不过,您也可以使用其他用户脚本来实现这一目的。要使快捷讨论与以本地时区显示时间的脚本(w:User:Gary/comments in local time.jsw:User:Mxn/CommentsInLocalTime)兼容,请像这样调用后者:

mw.hook( 'convenientDiscussions.commentsReady' ).add( function () {
	// Import the script here
} );

Note that this will not load the script if Convenient Discussions doesn't load. To make the script also load for pages Convenient Discussions won't load on, call it like this:

if (
  mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ) % 2 !== 1 &&
  !mw.config.get( 'wgExtraSignatureNamespaces' ).includes( mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ) )
) {
	// Import the script here

For Gary's script specifically, an additional line of code is needed to disable its feature of not loading twice:

mw.hook( 'convenientDiscussions.commentsReady' ).add( function () {
	window.commentsInLocalTimeWasRun = false;
	mw.loader.load( '// in local time.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript' ); // [[w:en:User:Mxn/CommentsInLocalTime]]




您可以在设置对话框中根据自己的喜好调整脚本。点击监视列表的“CD”链接和任何评论表单下的齿轮图标 即可开始设置。



  • 新评论(若一条评论首次加载后的15分钟内,该页面被加载,则该评论被视为新评论)
  • 您自己的评论
  • 目标评论(通过链接打开或已跳转到的该评论)
  • 已删除的评论




在该wiki的common.js中使用var cdLocalSettingName = value;。你可以在这里获取设置的名称(第一个字母应大写,例如autopreviewcdLocalAutopreview)。


Here's what the script stores, why, how, and how to delete the data. Note that you can delete all the data associated with the script in one click, by opening the script settings and pressing the button "Remove all script data" on the "Data removal" tab. Note that while the settings (except for a few) are global, visits and watched sections are stored individually for each wiki, so you'll have to remove them separately.

什么 为什么 如何 如何删除[1]
设置 允许根据用户的偏好调整脚本。 在维基媒体服务器上作为用户选项,称为userjs-convenientDiscussions-settings


new mw.Api().postWithEditToken({
  action: 'globalpreferences',
  optionname: 'userjs-convenientDiscussions-settings',


new mw.Api().saveOption('userjs-convenientDiscussions-localSettings', null);
上次访问的讨论页 检测讨论页上的新评论。 In compressed form, on the Wikimedia servers as a user option named userjs-convenientDiscussions-visits.[2]
new mw.Api().saveOption('userjs-convenientDiscussions-visits', null);
监视的章节 (Only when enabled in the settings instead of the standard topic subscription.) To show notifications and highlight comments on pages that list revisions: the watchlist, recent changes page, history pages, user contributions pages. In compressed form, on the Wikimedia servers as a user option named userjs-convenientDiscussions-watchedSections.[2]

Using the "Edit watched sections list" dialog accessible from the watchlist, or

new mw.Api().saveOption('userjs-convenientDiscussions-watchedSections', null);
未发送评论表单的内容 To restore comment drafts after page reloads, browser crashes, accidental jumps to a different page etc. For no longer than 60 days, in the browser's local storage.
通过CD感谢的编辑 To reflect in the interface that a comment has already been thanked for. For no longer than 60 days, in the browser's local storage.
Seen comment changes When a comment is updated, its new version is sometimes rendered immediately. If the user has seen the update, this fact is saved in the memory, so that there is no notification the next time the user sees it. For no longer than 60 days, in the browser's local storage.
  1. ^ To execute the code in the "How to delete" column, open the browser's developer tools (done by pressing F12 in most browsers), switch to the "Console" tab, paste the code into the input and press  Enter.
  2. ^ In Russian Wikipedia, for historical reasons, the option names use cd instead of convenientDiscussions, and userjs-cd-watchedTopics is used for the watched sections option.

Note that other scripts that you use on wiki pages, as well as side-wide scripts, have access to this data too.


It's best to post bug reports and proposals on Phabricator under the "convenient-discussions" tag. If you don't have an account there and don't want to create one, post to the talk page.


快捷讨论于2018年面试,最初是俄语维基百科的一个用户脚本。它由Jack who built the house开发,并通过全球维基媒体技术社区和用户的贡献和反馈得到了改进。它还借用了Matma Rex解析不同格式时间戳的代码,并使用了维基媒体工程和设计团队的解决方案和想法。



The scheme of loading the script on a wiki is the following: There is the main script file on Commons and a configuration file on the wiki (if somebody has created it). The configuration file can be a gadget or a user script (a gadget will load faster).

  • The configuration file requests the main script file if it is not loaded yet.
  • Conversely, if the main file is loaded first, it requests the configuration file if the URL of the configuration file is specified in it.

So, there is no difference which file is loaded first.

To configure the script for a wiki, you may use the configuration generator as described below and then supplement it with configuration values you want. If you want the configuration file to be loaded when users load the script from Commons, you should contact the repository owner. If it proves safe, he will add the URL of the configuration to config/urls.json (you can make a pull request too).









To prevent the "Reply" buttons and the rest of the comment layout from showing up in certain templates used on talk pages (e.g. in the "Moved discussion" template after the mover's signature), add the mw-notalk class to those templates.

To prevent the "Reply" buttons from showing up in closed discussions, add the mw-archivedtalk class to the template.


If you want to debug your configuration more closely in the browser's development tools and you're familiar with Node.js and Git and have them installed, clone the script's repository, run npm install while in the script's directory to install the dependencies, create a .js file in the config folder named using pattern project_code[-language_code].js (for example, w-en.js, wikt-de.js, mw.js), and put the following code into it:

export default {
  // List of properties

// Any additional code, e.g. hooks

Then you will need to add the code as described above. After the configuration is ready, you will need to build an actual configuration file that you will put in your wiki. Do it by running npm run configs. The resulting file will be named dist/convenientDiscussions-config/filename.

Test your configuration file by running npm run single -- project=project_code lang=language_code. A file named convenientDiscussions-single-project_code[-language_code].js will be created (and updated on code changes) in the dist folder. Load it to the wiki using mw.loader.load('http://localhost:9000/filename').

It will be best if you make a pull request to include your configuration in the CD repository. This way, if something in the script environment changes that affects your configuration file (the format of a property changes, for instance, or a default value, that your value is based on, is updated), other people including the maintainer of the script would be able to notice it and inform you and/or make changes themselves.


  • GitHub repository is used to store code. GitHub Actions is used to build and deploy the resulting files to wikis, as well as docs to Toolforge.
  • Phabricator tag is used to coordinate efforts. (Post bug reports and proposals there, not at GitHub.)
  • Toolforge has automatically generated code documentation.
  • Translatewiki has localization strings. Please suggest improvements to the English source through a pull request to en.json.

Your contributions are welcome! You can either improve the script itself or write plugins for it. Some notes:

  • The global object of the script is convenientDiscussions (the modules use the cd alias).
  • convenientDiscussions.s() is an analog of mw.msg() for the script's language strings. convenientDiscussions.sParse() is an analog of mw.message(...).parse(). Please make sure all strings that have their raw HTML inserted into the page use convenientDiscussions.sParse() to prevent introducing XSS vulnerabilities. (All code from untrusted sources is sanitized at earlier stages, but a double check won't hurt.)
  • The "events" in the left panel of the documentation correspond to the names used by mw.hook. For example, to attach a handler to the commentFormCreated event, you need the code mw.hook('convenientDiscussions.commentFormCreated').add(handler);.
  • To see message names instead of messages themselves on a page, add the uselang=qqx parameter to the end of the URL (just like with MediaWiki).
  • If you write a plugin and need some internal method to be available publicly via the global object, contact the script's maintainer (or just make a relevant pull request).
  • So far there are very few automatic tests (although it would be great to have more); most testing should be carried out manually. Some common test cases for comment detection and adding/editing comments are collected at User talk:Jack who built the house/CD test cases.



  • npm run start to serve the script from http://localhost:9000/ and automatically rebuild on updates. Wiki configuration and translation will still be loaded from web.
  • npm run single -- project=project_code lang=language_code to serve the script as a single file. Useful to debug configuration and translation.
  • npm run build to build the main file, source maps, project configuration files, translation files, and license file. Use --test to build the files with the -test postfix.
  • npm run docs to generate documentation from JSDoc comments.
  • npm run configs to generate wiki configuration files. Use --test to generate the files with the -test postfix.
  • npm run deploy to deploy the built files (including wiki configurations) to wikis as configured in config.json5. Use --test to deploy the test versions.
