My birthday is always a very reflective period of the year for me, it’s one of the days where I just have to thank God for His countless blessing upon my life all through the year and a time for me to do a personal checks and balances on how my life and time was spent the past 365 days; a period to realign myself to my God-given purpose as I have known that my existence here on earth didn’t come by chance but by a planned agenda by heaven on a specific assignment which is the main purpose of my existence here.

If there is one key thing am always courteous of, it’s the fact the I have to live a life of positive impact, trying to improve the life of anyone that comes in contact with me daily whether physically or virtually. This is one course I will pursue with all humility. I have always tried to put a smile on people’s faces even if it meant taking away my own personal pleasures.

2016, has been a great year so far for and I can argue that it has been one of my best years, all thanks to God, my family and my wonderful friends that have one way or the other contributed immensely to making it a huge success. It’s not as if it has been all a smooth rolling because sometimes I can see the frustration coming from maybe an unaccomplished project or something else but out of all the twists and turns, I have found reasons to smile and laugh out loud knowing that “in every crisis comes a seed of great opportunity”, it all depends on which perspective we view it.

Some of the key lessons I learnt this year is something that I will like to share with my friends. In Leadership, the true character of a good leader is instigated in his personal values because they are and will be his leadership values, forget about most things you read in books about leadership, you can’t get it right or claim you know it until you’ve practically done it. It’s more of an art not a science and it comes from the heart. It’s the reason you decide to not to do what everyone out there wants you to do but for you to do what is right and stand for it.

In Business I learnt that entrepreneurship is not just about the normal thing I hear in every book, having the foresight and hard work etc. those things are cool anyways but as for me, it’s more like a game of taking calculated risks, believing in your creativity and innovation coupled with being trendy. You should know that every data matters so much and you should also be emotionally strong as most people will never believe in you no matter how hard you try to convince them so you’ve got to be very smart. Acquire knowledge at every opportunity. And most importantly you really have to get this straight. “Everyone Can Never Be an Entrepreneur”.

Then the final and most crucial is things I learn about life generally, always make sure that your dreams are something you can never achieve looking at your present situation but achievable from your futuristic point of view. Did you get that? Let me break it down for you, try as much as possible to quit mediocrity from your mindset, aspire to be the best and whatever you do just try to make it better that the conventional ones. Crave for excellence in all ramification. Never underestimate the power of prayer because it will never fail. In everything that you do, just try to tell God about it in prayers. It works. Always surround yourself with positive minded friends…. I would go on and on….

Finally, I wouldn’t conclude this without saying a big thank you to all my friends, colleagues, family, mentors, classmates, My executives, HOTR Enugu, The Purple Club, Team Esutconnect. Thanks for sharing this wonderful moment with me. I love you all.