IKBO International kyokushin boxing organization 7th Dan( -Kyokushin Boxing 六段of IKBO -Knock-Down France Organization Directeur technique Kyokushinkai Montenegro/MKKO I.K.O.K.D. Germany "Kyokushin karate Kehl) /Club Championship Germany Iko 1 Founding Member of the National Federation of Kyokushin France FKOK Black belt 5th Dan) IKO Kyokushinkai dojo honbu Japan. Referee -Instructor International Black belt 5th Dan): Military martial arts expert ... dim mak kyusho jitsu 急所 - kobudo-ju-jitsu japan War techniques and the use of many weapons. . Medal and Diploma Ministry of Sport France Former member of the french foreign legion Medal of National Defence "France" Wounded pionnier du kyokushin en Alsace Bas Rhin kyokushin.boxing@gmail.com World Headquarters Honbu Dojo France Région Ile-de-France

RNA-N° W922005708 SIRET 75271217400016 http://www.kyokushinfrance.free.fr