
User:La Alquimista/Menu

La AlquimistaTransmuting the world

Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only truth.

About me

All right, I confess.I'm a geek. I spend my days with my iPod plugged in my ears, surfing the net, texting friends and hanging around Wikipedia. I ask a lot of questions at the Ref Desks, without bothering to answer any of the ones asked by others. I've never created, upgraded or vandalised any article on Wikipedia. My excuse for all this? I'm just a kid!

Area of Expertise
Nothing. I'm still learning, actually, and I don't think I know enough about any topic in particular, though I do have a smattering of knowledge about anime, mangas, and stuff like Egypt, mummies and dinosaurs...

Kawaii!!! ^_^ hugglez!!!

You name it! I've collected stamps, tickets, pencil-leads, Pokemon trading cards, tazos, Jenga cards, Diamond cards, beads(my bead collection was the best in school), straws and even ice-lolly sticks. There was a phase in which I picked stuff up from the ground(broken pencils, pen-caps, paper-clips, erasers) and stored them in a special little treasure box. Nowadays, I've taken to collecting (read, downloading illegally) episodes of my favourite anime over peer-to-peer sites. User:Pier Snake/Fun


Anyone who doesn't know what anime is deserves to go to hell... Loli!!!

lol!!! GRRRR.... BOW WOW!!