Luke Gilliam is an artist, producer, and engineer born in Bath on 30th April 1976. He earned a diploma in Audio Engineering from Trebas Institute in Toronto in 1998. Since graduating he continued his studies with notable teacher George Kourounis at Deluxe Laboratories Toronto where he worked as an assistant on the film Dogma directed by Kevin Smith. He has pursued a career in the arts working with artists Michael Snow from the group CCMC, Quinsin Nachoff, Arthur Blythe, Adam Daudrich, Mathew Eggleston, and Arnold Wytenberg.

In 2005 and 2006 Luke recorded and produced two albums with the French musician Bruno Tocanne. In 2007 Luke participated in the Nuit Blanch Exhibition in Toronto sponsored by Scotiabank. Luke has held exhibitions in the United Kingdom, Canada and France.


"Discover the British Soul", Luke Gilliam Studios, 38p Softcover, (September 2009)