Mayumi Kataoka is a Sydney based photographer. Originally born in Japan, Mayumi moved to Sydney in 2003 after falling in love with Australia when working as a volunteer for the Sydney 2000 Olympic games.

Mayumi's experience of life in Japan has been the greatest influence on her work. She always attempts to express Japanese themes into her photography and at times these themes are very subtle.

Mayumi has been developing her photography skills to capture the Australian native plants – especially Eucalyptus and other trees. The raw and unique beauty of Eucalyptus trees represents the quintessential Australia landscape and greatly inspires her photographic works.

She has hosted a number of exhibitions in Sydney during 2014 to 2017. She also exhibited 12 photography works to a "Kangaroo's visit – Rome Exhibition" in Italy 2015 and the exhibition was very successful. ​ "I feel it is the subtle combination of the raw colours under the Australian sky that adds a special ethereal quality like no other place. The colours are rich and beautiful and they seem to capture the Australian essence of life. The colours are just magical, a pure balance of simplicity and beauty that is uniquely Australian.

When I see through these trees and they always excite me, they encourage and invite me to discover and study more about them. Nature is such a beautiful gift to us all and it is fundamentally our most precious life partner. My true purpose is to capture these feelings through a lens so you can experience these moments in time."

Mayumi's passion is to show the public the hidden beauty of these wonderful trees. So the next time you do walk past a tree you will stop......just for a moment and really "see".

Website : Photo essay :