Greetings, I’m André, and I’m from Cuzco, Peru. I’m passionate about the Quechua, Nahuatl and Spanish languages and literatures.

Saludos cordiales, soy André, y soy de Cuzco, Perú. Me apasionan las lenguas y literaturas quechua, nahuatl, y español.

Allillanchu wayqeykuna panaykuna, Andrém ñoqaq sutiy. Perúsuyu, Qosqosuyumantam kani. Qichwap, nahuatlpa, españolpa literaturanta investigani.

My current WIKIPEDIA contributions are the following:

1. Universidad_Vanderbilt

2. Juan de Espinosa Medrano

My current WIKIMEDIA contributions are the following:

1. Photograph of the mini-portrait of Juan de Espinosa Medrano

2. Photograph of Juan de Espinosa Medrano's signature