Misterpither is the handle name of Jonathan P., an editor from the USA. His handle name is named after Michael Palin's character from Monty Python's Flying Circus, his favourite comedy show. He likes music, especially from the mid-twentieth century, even weird music and astonishingly great pop music; he also takes a liking for movies and television shows, generally comedy, that are from the same period. His hobbies include computers, cameras, editing, collecting vinyl records, drawing, and making music. He has a Wikipedia page which you can visit.


  • To find suitable images deemed fit for Wikimedia Commons so it can be used on other articles as well
  • To touchup a photo for specific situations where necessary
  • To make the world a bit Creative Commons
  • Crop wisely within the rule of thirds principles.
  • Regarding freely licensed photos; break the barriers between Deutsch Wikipedia and English Wikipedia so some files can be well used (with existing Creative Commons license and USA government-created license; public domain since it's created by a government personnel blah blah...)

Where you can find him within the Wiki

  • Wikiquotes
  • English Wikipedia (obviously)

That's all

  • Thank you for reading this