If my english is rocky & wrong, my moldovan & my french are perfect. I'm a man : so, I'm prefectible.

If I take some maps, pictures or drawings of the PD, allways I'll transform, ameliore & redraw these images before uploading (under my name, not by my will, but because it's technically impossible to edit the original versions on Commons, and to upload scans of more-70 years deceased author under "PD-old": only "PD-self" works). May be's not the better way, but only this one works.

If I am a scholar, I stay for ever a pupil.

Nether left, nether right: only some facts.

Truth is only an ideal, a path, a way to the conscience of our ignorance.

Nether gods, nether masters: only the mankind.

If I am a master, is only for working with many others to build a common house for everybody.

Never I'll be so young as today.

Bye, all. Keep cool.
