Mykel Hawke (Born November 29, 1965) Mykel Hawke is a U.S. Army Special Forces Veteran (Green Beret Officer), survival instructor, media personality in TV and film, and Author of 2 bestselling books. He serves as Co-founder and Director of Specops, an international adventure tourism and training company.

Hawke is an experienced survival instructor in the jungle, desert, arctic, sea and urban environments. He is a published author with a best selling book, a public speaker and lecturer on crisis responses to manmade and natural disasters including (WMD) Weapons of Mass Destruction. Hawke represents SpecOps on-camera and in creative program development during media productions.

Hawke has over 20 years of combined military, civilian and government experience. He has served as a senior enlisted member of the U.S. Army Special Forces and as a Commissioned Officer as a Team Commander. He has been a U.S. Government Contractor and Country Project Manager abroad. Hawke has training and experience in telecommunications, intelligence operations, remote medical management, combat search and rescue, Guerrilla Warfare, Counter Terrorism, Security Tactics and languages. He has deployed to hotspots throughout Eastern Europe, the Middle-East, Latin America, South East Asia and Western Africa.

Hawke has worked with the U.S. Department of State, the United Nations, Other Government Agencies (OGA’s) & Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s). His accomplishments include the establishment and operation of a Combat Medic School in Azerbaijan and a Combat Search & Rescue Program in Colombia. He has also served as a Project Manager in Haiti and Sierra Leone, conducting Medical Evacuations, Troops & Munitions Re-supply, Quick Reaction Forces and VIP transport. He has developed and controlled the international education and adventure programs for Specops based in Costa Rica.