Hello! i'am Nara

Since 2 months ago, I started to feel strange, there was a kind of fear that emerged within me gradually. I started hallucinating, and even now I can no longer differentiate between reality and hallucinations. I saw many terrible things during my trip to Jakarta, and on December 31st, I visited a mental hospital in Bangka Island to check my condition. The doctor greeted me kindly, and I explained my very confused condition. Doctors say that this is called Schizophrenia, a mental disorder that essentially causes sufferers to hallucinate frequently. Apart from that, the doctor also discussed something that I thought was interesting, namely that the paintings of people with schizophrenia are generally interesting to some people, and from these paintings the doctors can also conclude the person's schizophrenia. Now, I started observing my "imaginary world" and tried to draw whatever I saw and could. Apart from that, my main goal right now is to educate Wikipedia readers so they know more about the condition I am currently experiencing.