

If you are attempting to leave me a message, please use my My talk page. Thanks Ormr2014 (talk) 23:59, 1 May 2015 (UTC)



Hello and welcome to my user page. I am a 41 year old web developer, residing in Southern California with my wife and daughter. I am one of those individuals who has read a lot of books on a lot of topics and as a result, I am a "jack of all trades", but a "master of none".

I consider myself a spiritual man, though not religious in the least. I love reading and writing, listening to all kinds of music, playing piano and painting. Realizing that everyone has opinions, and I am no exception, I will do my best not to inject them into anything I edit here. I hope that my contributions will not disappoint.

Why "Ormr?


"Ormr" is the Old Norse word for "Dragon".[1] Throughout much of the ancient world, dragons were venerated as creatures of wisdom, cunning and power[2]. Wisdom represents the highest manifestation of spirituality, for only those at one with the cosmos can possess it. Cunning is the manifestation of mental clarity and signifies higher intelligence. Power is the force of self control and physical strength.

These are the three pillars of the perfect man. They are the qualities I strive for in life.

Idea for Today


I am not wise, cunning or powerful. I am but a man who strives to be better today than I was yesterday.

About Me

Los Angeles, California
Bodybuilding, Web Development, Blogging
  1. Acker, Paul; Larrington, Carolyne (Jun 26, 2013) Revisiting the Poetic Edda: Essays on Old Norse Heroic Legend, p. 54
  2. Levitt, Susan (Jun 1, 1997) Taoist Astrology: A Handbook of the Authentic Chinese Tradition