I've been an enthusiast for internet usage and freedom ever since "discovering" this wonderful new medium. I started on Netscape wondering what I would find there. I thought "this will change everything." It will solve the problems of education and information disparity and bring a new age of transparency to the world. This is partially true.

I'm an enthusiast for clarity in communcation and a lover of 3D modelling. I'm also astounded how long it is taking for people to understand the implications of fast 3D modelling. It has implications for all areas of design, construction, architecture, engineering, manufacturing, education, mapping, surveying, marketing, data storage and retrieval, Augmented and Virtual Reality, Gaming, Heritage, and a million other uses that I can't think of.

I've constructed (actual) buildings (as an architect). I digitally reconstructed a city (Cork, Ireland). I've manufactured new designs for products. I've been too busy or lazy to try and market or sell them.

Here's a collection of some of my work.