I discovered photography at the age of 12 after I received a chemistry set for Christmas. I used some old 6 x 9 negatives I found at my grandmother’s home and made my first cyanotype. I then decided to take my own photographs using my parents camera. When I was 16, during my holidays, I worked in a factory for 2 months and bought my first reflex camera which was a Zenith E with a 50mm Helios lens. On leaving school I bought my first Nikon , I have continued to use this make of camera to the present day. I have completed a 15 week course in Photography at the 'Centre Jean Verdier 'in Paris. I then met a Still-life photographer who worked in a large studio in Paris using a Sinar 8 x 10 . I took every opportunity to assist him this experience I found very enjoyable and informative.

My work:




Some publications: http://www.senat.fr/espace_presse/actualites/201301/les_senateurs_a_berlin_pour_commemorer_les_50_ans_du_traite_de_lelysee.html http://www.economiematin.fr/les-experts/item/2832-vieillissement-medecins-remplacement-medecins-etrangers http://www.parisdepeches.fr/32-Economie/?iPage=5 http://rabble.ca/blogs/bloggers/making-waves/2013/10/budapest-water-summit-fighting-corporate-agenda-budapest http://martinique.la1ere.fr/2013/06/05/plus-de-200-malades-du-coeur-sont-pries-de-consulter-en-urgence-39777.html http://jacqueslucienne4.wordpress.com/2013/03/22/scenario-dune-crise-cardiaque http://www.mnn.com/earth-matters/animals/stories/whale-ear-wax-you-heard-that-right-carries-a-lifetime-of-ocean