Isaacus Rothovius (1572–1652), Bishop of Turku 1627–1652, my father's mother's mother's father's mother's father's father's father's father's father's brother. Isaacus' brothers are Jonas (1572–1626) and Johannes Rothovius (1580–1628).

In 1595 he went to Uppsala, where he in 1597 became a teacher to the Oxenstierna brothers Axel Gustafsson Oxenstierna (1583–1654) Lord High Chancellor of Sweden 1612–1654, Krister Gustafsson Oxenstierna (1584–1607) and Gabriel Gustafsson Oxenstierna (1587–1640) Lord High Steward of Sweden 1634–1640.

First edited on August 19, 2019. R.o.t is the only username of this user.