RCBot was a bot operated by Richie to help with issues related to the Wikipedia Commons.

Note: The bot has been inactive since March 2006, and will likely never be revived. — Richie 11:06, 25 March 2011 (UTC)

How does RCBot work?


At the moment (Mid-April 2005), RCBot's only task is to "rename" files on the Commons as described below.


  • Download a copy of the work list which contains a list of files to be renamed and their states, and extract work items (old filename, new filename, state)
  • Build to-do list by removing all items from work list containing "done" in their state field
  • With each work item do:
    • For each Wikipedia language do:
      • Download page "Language:Image:OldFilename.png" and extract list of pages linking to the image
      • For each link in the list:
        • If the page is a page within the "User" or "User talk" namespaces (or translated equivalents), the page is skipped and won't be touched at all
        • Download wiki text of "Language:PageName"
        • Replace "IMAGE:OldFilename.png" by "IMAGE:NewFilename.png" where IMAGE is the local translation of "Image"
        • Replace "Image:OldFilename.png" by "IMAGE:NewFilename.png" where IMAGE is the local translation of "Image" (using "Image" often works, but using the translated word is preferred)
        • Maybe do some other replacements, e.g. adjust background colours for maps etc.
        • Check whether there were any changes, if not continue with next link (pages using templates containing the old image are also listed as linking to the image)
        • Submit the new text using the "User:RCBot" account in the appropriate language
    • Write a log page with name User:RCBot/rename/log-OldFilename-NewFilename-YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS, e.g. User:RCBot/rename/log-Ccaa-aragon.png-Locator map of Aragon.png-20050409-144536
    • Mark the work item as done in the work list by inserting a link to the log page with piped name "Done" in the status field


  • If a file is renamed from OLD to NEW and the file NEW exists locally (e.g. in Wikipedia EN), it overrides the NEW file from the Commons, i.e. another image than intended is used. What to do to ensure that the file on the Commons is always used after renaming?
    • Imo this should be checked for first and if this issue is found the rename should NOT go ahead. Plugwash 00:39, 19 May 2005 (UTC)
    • Sometimes, the same file will match the one in the Commons. So we could delete the local copy on Wikipedia, keep the version here. Zscout370 (sound off) 2005 July 1 06:30 (UTC)

Possible further tasks

  • adding interwiki-links to media files according to usage in Wikipedias
  • adding "unknown licence" tag to media files without any known copyright tags

RCBot's user accounts at Wikipedia

aa | ab | af | ak | als | am | an | ang | ar | arc | as | ast | av | ay | az | ba | be | bg | bh | bi | bm | bn | bo | br | bs | ca | ce | ch | cho | chr | chy | co | commons | cr | cs | csb | cv | cy | da | de | dv | dz | ee | el | en | eo | es | et | eu | fa | ff | fi | fj | fo | fr | fur | fy | ga | gd | gl | gn | got | gu | gv | ha | haw | he | hi | ho | hr | ht | hu | hy | hz | ia | id | ie | ig | ii | ik | io | is | it | iu | ja | jbo | jv | ka | kg | ki | kj | kk | kl | km | kn | ko | kr | ks | ku | kv | kw | ky | la | lb | lg | li | ln | lo | lt | lv | mg | mh | mi | mk | ml | mn | mo | mr | ms | mt | mus | my | na | nah | nds | ne | ng | nl | nn | no | nv | ny | oc | om | or | pa | pi | pl | ps | pt | qu | rm | rn | ro | roa-rup | ru | rw | sa | sc | scn | sd | se | sg | si | simple | sk | sl | sm | sn | so | sq | sr | ss | st | su | sv | sw | ta | te | tg | th | ti | tk | tl | tlh | tn | to | tpi | tr | ts | tt | tum | tw | ty | ug | uk | ur | uz | ve | vi | vo | wa | wo | xh | yi | yo | za | zh | zh-min-nan | zu