Post-doctoral research fellow at the Centre for Marine Biology (CEBIMar — Centro de Biologia Marinha) of the University of São Paulo since 2014. My current research involves biophysical interactions using numerical modelling. I am developing an individual-based ecological model to describe the response of phytoplankton communities to environmental forcing.

Ph.D./Sc.D. in physical oceanography at the Oceanographic Institute of the University of São Paulo (2014). M.Sc. in physical oceanography at the Oceanographic Institute of the University of São Paulo (2008) and B.Sc. in physics at the Physics Institute of the University of São Paulo (2004). Specialist in observational oceanography at the NF/POGO Centre of Excellence Student Training at the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (2009); and industrial business management assistant by training (1999).

I have worked with data mining and analysis of large data sets, especially from satellite remote sensing. I have been a teaching assistant for undergraduate students and have also taught short courses on computer programming and numerical modelling with applications to water quality and on data analysis using open source software. I have been involved with public outreach, giving short lectures on ocean dynamics and guiding ecological tours for high school students.

Expertise: physical oceanography; observational oceanography; meso- and large-scale ocean dynamics; remote sensing; bio-physical and ocean-atmosphere interactions; numerical modelling; physics; data mining and analysis; spectral analysis; project management; computer programming (Python, Matlab, Visual Basic, PHP, HTML, JavaScript, SQL, FORTRAN, C); photography; web design; and web development.