Sabung.hamster alias Everyone Sinks Starco alias BxHxTxCx
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This user has an account on Flickr.
Reason for Sabung.hamster to not upload pictures of buildings in Indonesia here



A normal docu-grapher (The user not only can do basic photography but also documenting anything) - from Island of Paradise in Indonesia: Bali. Originally meant to upload Indonesian buildings, but the user had to surrendered this. So, much of images are focused to transport, especially automobiles. City images are rare; most are uploaded to Flickr.

PS: My flickr is Everyone Sinks Starco, any exported CC-BY-SA 2.0-licenced Flickr images into Commons not uploaded by Sabung.hamster is outside Sabung.hamster's responsibility (Freedom of Panorama-linked deletion the most potential).

My uploads/full gallery



Doku-grafer (fotografi ala dokumenter) dari Pulau Bali. Awalnya ditujukan untuk mengunggah foto gedung di Indonesia dan foto mobil yang ditemukan di sekitar Bali, tetapi foto gedung tidak boleh diunggah ke galeri ini dengan lisensi gratis. Kadang ada yang nekad memasukannya dari Flickr saya bernama Everyone Sinks Starco.

Foto berlisensi Creative Commons hasil ekspor dari akun Flickr Everyone Sinks Starco, yang tidak diupload Sabung.hamster, diluar tanggung jawab Sabung.hamster.

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