my name is Sara Fahmi and I'm a Materials Engineering Honors Graduate, corrosion research on "protection of low carbon steel which used as a pipe in cooling water system by anodic inhibition". with international experience seeking an entry-level position. Experienced in sample preparation and performing a range of engineering tests (hardness, tensile strength, compression, impact, bend and universal materials), Potentiostat and corrosion reactions. Familiar with X-ray fluorescence inspections and interpretation/application of municipal codes. A skilled presenter and resilient professional with proven performance in stressful situations.

I use my free time to volunteer, and currently, I'm an active overseas volunteer for a charity NGO called "We Do Help" in addition to volunteering on adding and editing to the world's most amazing Wikipedia the free encyclopedia by adding and editing : - Chemical Formulas - The scientific name of natural materials and synthetic substances. - Molar Formulas of materials. - plus adding original sources to the content.

Sara Fahmi-Engineer