Welcome to my Wikimedia Commons User Page. Feel free to take a look at my contributions. My photographs are mostly Drone-, Product-and Nature-photos. In addition to the pictures here on wikimedia I also upload my pics to Flickr, 500px and Instagram. Most of my pictures are licensed under a Creative Commons License. So you can use them freely – if you have any questions, feel free to contact me. When I don't take photos, I write code – some of my source code is available under free and open source licenses on GitHub. My day job is Data Analyst (Controlling), before I was Mechatronics Engineer and Software Developer (Full-Stack DevOps).

My most famous photos can be viewed in album SimonWaldherr/VIP

As a firefighter, from time to time I can take beautiful photos of firefighting exercises, for which I have also created a subpage: SimonWaldherr/Firefighting

I've taken a lot of photos of Apple hardware, so I created a separate wiki subpage for it: SimonWaldherr/Apple

And of other electronics (mostly Raspberry Pi Boards): SimonWaldherr/Electronics

Since I did not only take a lot of pictures with my DJI drones, but also of my drones, I also created a subpage for it: SimonWaldherr/DJI

I am very interested in Science, so there is also a subpage for that: SimonWaldherr/Forschung

As a member of the CCC, I attend CCC events several times a year (e.g. Chaos Communication Congress): SimonWaldherr/ChaosEvents

Aside from being a photographer, my job as a data analyst and my software programming hobby, I have found a new calling in writing books. My first book is “Künstliche Literatur: Kurzgeschichten aus der Welt der KI” which is not only about AI, but was also written using AI. I'm also pretty proud that my content has also been used in various other books. You can find these Books here: SimonWaldherr/Books

Here is a gallery with some of my 360° panorama photos - for all of my pano-photos, go to the SimonWaldherr/Pano subpage - with a click on the "360°" link you can open the panorama in the PanoViewer. Click on the image to open it as a Equirectangular projection instead.


Below is a small selection of some of my best pictures (from different categories):

you can also take a look at more pictures I've uploaded to Wikimedia. There is a great tool to analyze, where these photos are used on the wikipedia: here.

Simon Waldherr @ Mastodon
Simon Waldherr @ Twitter
Simon Waldherr @ GitHub