I am Simon Paul Morrell (born 24th January 1966) and am a British writer, fighter, speaker and married father of three. I have five books to his name, including the award winning, true story ‘From Bullied to Black Belt.’ Both the title and the story are taken from my childhood, teenage years, and early adulthood when I was bullied, beaten and held in contempt by a controlling and abusive (non-sexual) father. My woes were so great I became agoraphobic and suffered massive panic attacks. Unable to leave my own house with eye contact and social skills as obtainable as a trip to the moon, I had a girl that loved me. Julie Skelly (both 5th February 1969) nursed me back to well-being with encouragement, care and support, urging me back into the only world I felt confident, Martial Arts. I took her courage and surprised all by becoming one of the area’s leading fighters, but my success was not to be limited. I went on to fight nationally and caught the eye of leading instructors who took me under their wing. I soon became a name on the national level, my agoraphobia, bullies and eventually father, becoming a thing of the past. I was encouraged to write my story in an article, ‘FEAR’ that was published in a major magazine just weeks after I wrote it. My first book went on to sell worldwide, winning an award for British Book of the Year 2016 and the Warriors Assemble ceremony. It has been penned into a feature film script alongside the sequel ‘An Everyday Warrior’ and is, at the time of writing (July 2022) being considered by film companies for the big screen. Julie and I went onto marry, having three children. I am currently ranked at 7th Dan Black Belt, three-time Hall of Fame winner and two- time Warriors Assemble award winner. I teach my findings, both physically and mentally, throughout the United Kingdom. Visit me here!