By Singtoh Nyiekon

Successful people are the way they are because they put in conscious efforts into becoming distinct from everyone else by developing habits that makes them successful.

Habits either good or bad develops over time. Just like the saying “if you fail to plan you plan to fail”. Hence, consciously developing healthy habits compound over time and aid in an individual’s success rate.

Here are the list of habits that I have realised over time that consistently practising them had made be more focused, passionate, determined and committed to achieving my goals.


When I decided to start this habit a few years ago, I wrote in my journal “I will commit 30 minutes daily to continuous personal development”, however this habit has been addictive (in a positive way) that I consistently commit at least an hour daily to my personal development. These includes reading books, listening to audio books, listening to podcasts, reading articles, creating contents, watching educative lectures and researching.

Personal development is an integral part of growth and success. If you do not consistently develop your skills and knowledge across areas of interest. You unintentionally gradually become obsolete. The world is constantly evolving and so is knowledge. Hence, it is important to commit to life long learning.


This is an important part of my daily life as I have realised that organising my daily to-do tasks onto my calendar had made me more productive.

Prior to when I started actively utilising my calendar. I notice that some days I can be busy and ‘all over the place’ from morning till night only to realise that I was barely able to accomplish 40% of the tasks I mentally planned on completing that day.

Other days I can become very preoccupied and completely forget about important tasks or appointments I had for that day. This is because my mind is very busy and can try to achieve a million things per hour….hahaha. 😂

Scheduling or organising your tasks onto a digital calendar (for instance Google calendar) can help you become more productive.


Making money is important, what is more important is money management. Budgeting is an important habit of successful people as it aids you consciously decide what you want to spend your money on and how much you want to spend on them.

Without budgeting you can make a lot of money and end up living pay check to pay check.

Budgeting and sticking to your budget will compel you to give second thoughts to impulse buying and reckless spending.


It is true that you are the average of the five people you spend most of your time with. Looking for and associating with individuals who have similar goal with you and are actively working towards achieving them is very important.

Networking keeps you focused, accountable and committed to achieving your goals.

Because you are associating with like minded people you get to discuss opportunities and strategies which keeps you motivated and self driven.


Successful people set goals, and formulate strategies on how to achieve their goals. The goals are the prize while the strategies are road map to reaching the prize.

It is important that in setting your goals it must be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound).

Setting one broad goal (for instance becoming financially independent) can be overwhelming. It is important to break your main goal into smaller achievable set of goals, for instance save, invest, reinvest profits, expand your investment portfolio and the likes. Achieving these set of smaller goals will give you a sense of achievement and keep you committed to achieving your main goal