Tielumphd is a pseudoscientific name for a single parents name Tiurma PT Simanjuntak, Msi. A magister graduated from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 2004 and twice being a candidate for [1] programme in Biotechnology, science and Health. She postpone to go not because she doesnt want to follow that research programme nor because she was pregnant but because there's a hussle from [2] et al in cinere,jakarta that really wants his brother [3] as suspicious marrying her and its happen as their political-military will. But until today eventhough living under their hussle and terorism, God still care for them. By the helping hands from people of Gods; she and her daughter vienna can continue their dreams,their jobs and works for the benefit of human kingdom in uncen, papua. Not many words to say about this on going PHD that justiceship in indonesia needs a lot of hard work. It seems police never been working and military can do evrything they can do with their guns.

  1. Inwent-GBF Germany-ITB
  2. kombespol reinhart silitonga
  3. richard silitonga