Timothy "the Leonardo "Jones is one of a kind. With his experience in Law Enforcement, U.S. Army Special Tactics, and being Department of State Trained and Certified as a Professional Private Security Contractor. Mr. Jones has served two tours in Iraq and one tour in Bosnia. He has held the position of Squad Leader in Reconnaissance platoons and the position of Weapons Squad Leader in regular infantry line platoons.

Mr. Jones also enjoys competing in the sport of bodybuilding. Mr.Jones states "bodybuilding helps sharpen his discipline and physical conditioning". Mr Jones has held the titles of Mr. Taji, 2nd overall of Fame World Events Natural Bodybuilding,Overall Bodybuilding Champion in his 1st NPC Competition held and hosted by Colorado's Senior Chairman "Jeff Taylor " (April 2011)and 2nd place overall in the NPC Los Angeles Championships(July 2013). Mr. Jones was born and raised in a small rural town located in Southern Georgia. There (he will be the first to tell you) he learned that hard work pays off and respecting people when you can is the way to go.

While interviewing Mr. Jones one his beliefs that really highlighted our interview with him was his belief that you should always try to treat people the way you would like to be treated no matter what there nationality or race may be.

Mr. Jones is a religious man who worships in Christian Faith. He states "he always give thank to our father for everything " this he claims is why he has had such a wonderful and bless life.

Mr. Jones is now located in the beautiful state of Colorado. There he is training to be one of Colorado's greatest Christian body builder's.

Mr. Jones is accompanied by two handsome sons "Terrance ( who is also making his way through the fitness industry as a young and upcoming competitive bodybuilder) and Timothy".

Last but not least Mr. Jones "states all ways be thankful for what God has given to you and for what he has redeemed you from"!!

J.D. Steele w/ Wikipedia