Bill Sadler on Vacation in Alaska

The high level overview: I'm a mathematician currently working in Artificial Intelligence. Since the late 70's I have done software consulting in the field of numerical analysis and mathematical optimization. In January of 2011 I formed a company "FnnTEK, Inc." to bring a radically new Artificial Intelligence product to market. That's the academic and professional side. Then there is the 'everything else' side. That side includes Flying, SCUBA, Photography, and Shooting. I've taught all of these as adult education courses (except for flying) as well as having taught mathematics at the high school, undergraduate and graduate levels. I used to compete in shooting, have been a National Geographic published photographer, and a deep mixed-gas underwater cave diver. Those are the spare time activities.

I have always had the philosophy that anything you do, you should do well, and that specialization is for ants! Accordingly, over the course of my life, I have tried to never turn away from any learning or challenge. I also believe that you haven’t really learned something until you’ve tried to teach it to someone else - this in part is why I teach. The other reason is the satisfaction. There are few things that feel as good as teaching a subject to someone who wants to learn it. That is why teaching Photography, SCUBA and Firearms was / is more fun than teaching Mathematics. In Math, the students were mostly there because they had to be, those other subjects, the students were there because they wanted to be. Attitude makes all the difference!

For more information on classes in Shooting, Primitive Skills, Photography, SCUBA, or Preparedness contact me at ValeGreen, Inc. Website

-- Bill Sadler, Chief Instructor and Principal Consultant, ValeGreen, Inc.