
The gene KIAA1797, accession number NM 017794, using Genecard1 was found to have aliases FLJ20375, OTTHUMP00000069845, and hypothetical protein LOC54914. These aliases were used as search terms during the information gathering process. Ensembl2 indicated the gene is located on chromosome 9p21.3, 20,620,945-20,995,954 bp from pter, a total of 375,010 bases. Uniprot3 indicated the protein as a multi-pass membrane protein of 1801 AA and 200072 Da; it has three transmembrane regions, and is expressed in testis, placenta and liver. Google4 yielded one article regarding relationship between expression of KIAA1797 and heart rate. However, the paper states the functional relationship require additional study. NCBI5 showed that the transmembrane regions were located at 1573-1635 bps, 1684-1746 bps, and, 2818-2820 bps. Acetylation site is located at 2818-2820 bps. Orthologs are found in Gallus gallus, Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis, and Bos taurus; the Accession Numbers are indicated below: